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Load Management System for DG Sets

This is required to manage optimum operation of all DG sets to meet the total load
requirement at any given time.

This will definitely improve the:

a) Specific Fuel consumption of all sets

b) Loading of all DG sets as per their rating

c) Avoiding under loading of sets

d) Improve efficiency of all sets

e) Reduce losses of Alternators

f) Improve service time, therefore reduce maintenance cost

This will be achieved by following procedures of Load Management System:

a) Automatic Starts & stop of DG as per load requirement

b) Automatic synchronizing of DG sets.

c) Automatic Load sharing & Load shedding between all DG sets

Load Management System will require following hardware for its operation:

a) Programmable controllers for automatic start & stop for each set

b) Synchronizer

c) Specific hardware for Load shedding & Load sharing system for each set.

d) Miscellaneous hardware for installation of above system

e) Sensing elements required

f) Required different types of meters

g) Protection elements

Payback Calculation

Due to Implementation of above Project

1) Saving of Diesel per year 2,00,000 liters (Minimum)

2) Saving of cost due to savings Rs. 70,00,000/- @ Diesel Rs. 35/lit

3) Cost of Load Management System Rs. 15,50,000/-

4) Payback period 3 Months

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