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Dong Quai

Angelica sinensis syn Angelica polymorpha var. sinensis

Family: Apiaceae
Perennial. Native to east Asia. The highly aromatic root of this plant is one of the
most commonly used herbal ingredients in China, and indeed the world. t has the
ability to balance female hormones. !e have been gratified by numerous reports of
success using this positively identified seed, and were ourselves gratified to find the
site of our wind"winnowing of the seed positively blan#eted with seedlings
$germinated rambunctiously in cold soils in midwinter in %regon&. 'ubse(uent
outdoor trials in early spring, scattering seed on a flat and pressing in, were e(ually
successful. Cultivation: )*tra care. +erminates best in cool soils. 'ince
transplanting seems to be an obstacle, we encourage growers to direct seed these on
good soil in partially shaded beds. f this is not possible, sow on surface of flat in
midwinter or very early spring. ,eep in the light and moist. thin or transplant
seedlings -. inches apart, to full sun or partial shade. The plant li#es rich, moist soil.
+rows to / feet tall.
0eturn to 1erb 'eed nde*

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