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Harris Globalizing/Revitalizing My Standards Page 1

Revitalizing Your Standards in Relation to Global Education

Ohio Marketing Management Career Field Technical Content Standards

Standard #1

Competency 47.12: Assess print advertisements to ensure achievement of marketing
communications goals and objectives.
47.12.1 Critique print advertisements.
47.12.2 Describe the use of color in advertisements.
47.12.3 Describe the elements of design.
47.12.4 Discuss the use of illustrations in advertisements.
47.12.5 Explain typestyles used in advertisements.
47.12.6 Describe effective advertising layouts.
47.12.7 Explain the impact of color harmonies on composition.
47.12.8 Describe digital color concepts.

Source: Ohio Marketing Management Career Field Technical Content Standards -

Global Integration: Assess global print advertisements to ensure achievement of differentiated
marketing communications goals and objectives. Understand how cultural differences may affect
the way a product is advertised in different countries

Lesson Plan Modifications: Instead of using print ads from US magazines for demonstration
purposes, I should search the web for print advertisements in various countries around the world,
emphasizing the global competency of investigating the world. As a class, we could also
compare/contrast print advertisements from US companies who also advertise in other countries,
larger companies such as Starbucks, McDonalds, Coke, Nike, Apple, etc.

Assessment: I plan to have the students take the position of working for an advertising agency
to create a tourism print advertisement for their assigned country using the effective layouts and
methods we discussed in class. They will need to investigate certain colors, symbols, taglines,
illustrations and tourism facts to include in their country print ad, including an appropriate
headline, detailed copy, and signature. The students will also use the global competency of
communicating ideas to present their final product to the class and to the client teacher.
Students will be assessed through a teacher-created rubric and personal assessment rubric.

C. Harris Globalizing/Revitalizing My Standards Page 2

Standard #2

Competency 31.5: Assess product packaging to improve its function and to improve its
brand recognition.
31.5.1 Assess product packaging requirements.
31.5.2 Evaluate the graphic design on packages.
31.5.3 Evaluate the adequacy of product packaging

Source: Ohio Marketing Management Career Field Technical Content Standards -

Global Integration: Assess global product packaging to improve its function and to improve its
global brand recognition. Understand how cultural differences may affect the way a product is
advertised and/or marketed in different countries, leading to an adapted marketing approach in
terms of product and packaging.

Lesson Plan Modifications: Instead of only instructing about ways products are packaged in
the United States, I must expand my discussion into how products are adapted and packaged on a
differentiated basis according to the country or area of distribution. I plan to show my class
examples of global brands and how the company modifies its product according to cultural tastes
buying behaviors. While teaching these important elements of the marketing mix, I will
consciously make efforts to include brands in other areas of the world. I will focus on brands the
students currently use in order to show how that product has adapted itself for other cultures.
When making the content relevant to themselves, they are more apt to be engaged and interested
in the material.

Assessment: I would like to have my students each take a global product/brand used widely
around the world and change the packaging/product slightly in order to make it a globally
competent brand in a country of their choosing. For example, students might want to look at
various offerings of subway sandwiches in their assigned country. I would also like them to
create a replica of the modified packaging for this product. If students have trouble coming up
with a product of their own, I may assign a cereal box for them to design for their assigned
country. Students will be investigating the world and communicating ideas as they research the
cultural differences in tastes and report their findings/show the final project to the class.
Students will be assessed through a teacher-created rubric and personal assessment rubric.

C. Harris Globalizing/Revitalizing My Standards Page 3

Standard #3
Competency 14.18: Create and post a basic Web page.
14.18.1 Explain the basic structure of a Web page.
14.18.2 Describe limitations associated with Web page creation (e.g., typography,
graphics files size, navigation).
14.18.3 Explain the importance of tags in structuring Web pages.
14.18.4 Discuss the importance of using a descriptive, useful title on a Web page.
14.18.5 Format the text of a Web page.
14.18.6 Add graphic elements to a Web page.
14.18.7 Add attributes to a tag for a Web page.
14.18.8 Display a document within a Web browser.
14.18.9 Upload a Web page.

Source: Ohio Business Management Career Field Technical Content Standards -

Global Integration: Create and post an informational Web page targeted to business
professionals engaged in international business and global travel.

Lesson Plan Modifications: I plan to teach technical aspects of web design similarly to how I
have in the past, but now I will add a component where the students compare/contrast web pages
for international US companies and major companies from other countries. I will also have the
students investigate the different extensions for the worldwide web and how investigate the
political sanctions and freedoms that people have around the world when it comes to the Internet.
Students are also extremely interested to hear about what sites are blocked or controlled around
the world. Finally, I plan to have my students create an informational website utilizing the
global competencies of investigating the world, communicating ideas, and taking action by
making these sites public on the web.

Assessment: Instead of having students create a web page according to their personal interests, I
plan to have my students each create an informational web page that business professionals could
refer to before traveling abroad. I would offer my students various websites I have obtained
through TGC in order for them to research world cultures, etiquette, and country specific
information. Students will create pages on country demographics, business etiquette practices,
tourism attractions, economic data, political structures, travel warnings, etc. Students will each
research a different country for their site. Students will be assessed through a teacher-created
rubric and personal assessment rubric.

C. Harris Globalizing/Revitalizing My Standards Page 4

Standard #4

Competency 1.1: Acquire information about business laws and ethics to show
command of their nature and scope.
1.1.1 Explain the nature of business ethics and social responsibility.
1.1.2 Discuss the nature of law and sources of law in the United States.
1.1.3 Describe the United States judicial system.
1.1.4 Describe legal issues affecting businesses.

Source: Ohio Marketing Management Career Field Technical Content Standards -

Global Integration: Acquire information about international business laws and ethics to show
command of their nature and scope on a global basis. Identify and describe the legal systems
upon which international law is based. Identify different ways to resolve international legal
disputes. Explore strategies for managing ethical behavior across borders. Explore strategies for
managing corporate social responsibility across borders.

Lesson Plan Modifications: I plan to refocus my lesson on the types of legal systems and legal
agreements around the world. I would also introduce contract law and how the parts of a valid
contract remain constant throughout the world. I would also discuss product safety requirements
and the responsibilities that businesses hold to ethical work standards and social responsibilities
to the country in which they are located. We could also discuss trade agreements and the World
Trade Organization as they relate to upholding ethical standards and uniform trade requirements
around the world. I also intend to show a few controversial documentaries on US companies and
their work environments in other countries, companies such as Nike in Indonesia and Apple in
China. This would help the students gain a different perspective from those in which they
currently hold about these infamous companies.

Assessment: Students should be able to compare/contrast ethical and unethical behaviors in
various countries through the use of case studies. They should also be able to explain the nature
of social conscious work practices and provide examples of socially responsible behaviors that
companies must abide by when operating in other counties. Students will also create a code of
ethics, a written guide to acceptable and ethical behavior as defined by an organization,
understanding that codes of ethics vary between countries because they are culture driven,
making it difficult for managers to adhere to a strict code of ethics in each market. I will have
the students work in groups to research key global ethical issues and the intercultural dimensions
of the United States and another assigned country. They will also be assigned a US company
that has operations abroad. The groups must analyze their chosen businesses for key ethical
issues. They will also compile a list of ways their company can show social responsibility in
each of the areas of education, employment, environment, and technology in their assigned
country. Students discuss the role social responsibility plays in developing a code of ethics.
Groups will be assessed through a teacher-created rubric as well as a peer-review rubric.

C. Harris Globalizing/Revitalizing My Standards Page 5

Standard #5

Competency 2.5: Write internal and external business correspondence to obtain and
convey information effectively.
2.5.1 Explain the nature of effective written communications.
2.5.2 Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing.
2.5.3 Write professional newsletters.
2.5.4 Write informational messages.
2.5.5 Prepare simple written reports.

Source: Ohio Marketing Communications Career Field Technical Content Standards -

Global Integration: Write internal/external professional correspondence on an international
business to obtain and convey information effectively. Demonstrate an understanding of a
products competitive advantages when being sold abroad and the needs that are filled by a
product in a foreign market.

Lesson Plan Modifications: This is a new lesson plan that I wish to present to my class instead
of having students re-type a given newsletter out of their Microsoft Office textbook. As an
example, I plan to show my class a slide show on importing flowers titled, A global and local
business, to introduce the concepts and problems of importing flowers worldwide into the
United States. Students will also explore the website CIBER (Center for International Business
Education and Research) which was founded by the US Department of Education to improve the
competitiveness of US firms in international markets. We will also search for
industry/trade information along with my personal favorite, The World Trade Organization,
which monitors international trade policies and agreements. I will also intertwine a lesson on
Microsoft Word in creating newsletters using columns and inserting various images/text.
Students will discuss the importance of using formal text and writing for the intended audience.
This lesson emphasizes the global competencies of investigating the world, recognizing
perspectives of others including stockholders and customers in foreign markets, and
communicating ideas.

Assessment: Students will research an existing global company involved in international
business. Students will obtain information on the company including their history, lists of
products and services, recent developments, web site details, financial information, etc. Students
will then prepare a two or three page newsletter for the international companys stockholders.
The newsletter must contain multiple photos of real products and information about projected
shipping and distribution with realistic goals. It should also include product concerns, customer
relations and competition. Students should choose a country that has the best market potential
for a global product, reviewing such factors as political stability and economic growth. They
will then develop text for the newsletter with the industry strength and demand in their given
market. I also would like the students to determine if there are special concerns for the product
literature, such as if the literature requires translation to a foreign language to be effective or if
English is understood in the market. The students newsletters will be assessed through a
teacher-created rubric along with a presentation of the newsletter to the class.

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