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1. Create a MySQL database named examples by importing the file examples.sql in

phpMyAdmin (defalt path! http!""lo#alhost"phpmyadmin" $.
%. &rite a &ebsite that establish a #onne#tion to database examples' then se qeries to
implement all the follo(ing featres!
) List all re#ords of table #ars.
) Add a ne( re#ord to table #ars (remember to #he#* all the ser inpt data before inserting$.
) Modify a sele#ted re#ord from table #ars.
) +elete sele#ted re#ord from table #ars.
+ata ,alidation!
id ! nmber
name ! string' min length! -' max length! ./
year ! nmber' ,ale range! 100/ ) %/11

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