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Learning Management Plan Page 1

Learning Management Plan for:

Liam, Introduction to Sociology and Psychology (Level 2, TQA).
Learning Management Plan Focus:
Public speaking and group discussion. Integrating knowledge to contribute to broader learning conversations.
(1) What does my Learner Already Know?
Liam is at standard for his comprehension and conceptual knowledge in this learning area. Through teacher feedback and parent
meetings, it has been identified that Liam requires special consideration when involved in learning situations where public speaking
and group work are involved. He is a shy student, who does not regularly contribute to group discussion. He speaks very quietly and
lacks confidence in this area despite possessing the necessary skills and knowledge.
(2) Where does my learner(s) need / want to be?
My learner will be able to:
(Procedural Knowledge):
Feel confident to contribute to class discussion.
Consider own ideas alongside others through discussion.
Understand strategies to increase quality of verbal expression (content and volume).
(Declarative Knowledge)
Understand the importance of verbal contribution and discussion how this will be of benefit to him.
Understand the dynamics of discussion, and how his opinion/ideas can play a role.
(3) How does my learner best learn?
Liam is a quiet and reserved student. He posses above average comprehension and conceptual ability. However, he does not contribute
to class discussion. His own written work would benefit from such discussion and analysis of ideas. The class more broadly would also
benefit. Liam has already shown an ability to synthesise and form an opinion and analyse others viewpoints taken from the broader

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group (during one-on-one discussion). The aim is to link Liams strengths in comprehension and ideas to verbal communication.
(4) What resources do I have at my disposal?
As I am involved in a co-teaching environment, I have the ability to work with this student on a one-on-one basis without disrupting
the routine of the other students. This provides the opportunity to give this student the quality teaching time to talk through this issue,
in a friendly and supportive environment. I feel I can speak to this student on a close level where he will trust and respect what I have
to say. If I can respect, value and praise his opinions in this context he may feel he has the confidence to have similar discussions in a
larger environment.
As this learning plan focus was developed through consultation with the students parents, there is also scope to develop these skills at
home. Through involving this additional stakeholder, the central message that the teacher is working towards can be subtly
compounded at home. This will enhance its importance and relevance, ensuring the student remains focused on this learning goal,
more comfortable with its use and aware of how it can benefit him in school and life.

(5) What will constitute the learning journey?

LEP/ Lesson sequence/
Outcome focus
Learning Experiences
What is to be taught? What are the Sequential
Main DoL focus Time Frame

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Outline focus of new
Outline focus on refining and extending personal
knowledge, through engaging in group/class
discussion. Outline the students current strengths and
outline how this would benefit from being incorporated
into larger discussion and contribution.
Dimension 1 Attitudes
and Perceptions: students
to feel comfortable, valued
and understand learning
Dimension 3 Extend and
Refine Knowledge:
consolidate discussion ideas
through one on one
discussion and questioning.
Lesson 1.

Promote verbal
exchange on
individual level.
After a lesson, the teacher will engage with the student
in an informal way to create a dialogue about the
current topic. The students ideas and opinions will be
listened to. The teacher will engage is this dialogue in a
way that encourages the student and also pushed them
on the find new meanings thus demonstrating the
value of discussion. This link will at first be made
Lessons 2, 3, 4.

Expand verbal
exchange to small
group level
After flagging the initial importance of discussion, a
more explicit attempt will be made to encourage the
student to contribute and engage in dialogue at a small
group level. This may be with another individual, or
with 2-3 others. This will again consolidate the value of
verbal exchange and improve confidence in such
situations. It will provide a learning environment where
strategies for conversation can be further developed.
Dimension 5 - Habits of
Mind: encourage behaving
intelligently without
knowing answer, thinking
critically, listening,
imagining, being flexible,
contributing to discussion.

Dimension 3 Extend and
Refine Knowledge:
consolidate discussion ideas
through discussion and
questioning in a small
group context.
5, 6.

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Expand verbal
exchange to whole
group context.
In this phase the value of verbal dialogue, the strategies
involved in this and the benefits achieved through it will
be further developed. These elements will then be
enhanced through applying them in a larger social
context. Although the essential learning outcome
increasing verbal expression/discussion does not
change, this change in context is a vital component and
indicator of how well this student has progressed. In
this phase, an assessment can be made determining
whether the student has been successful or needs more
time to develop.
Dimension 5 - Habits of
Mind: encourage behaving
intelligently without
knowing answer, thinking
critically, listening,
imagining, being flexible,
contributing to discussion.

Dimension 3 Extend and
Refine Knowledge:
consolidate discussion
ideas through discussion
and questioning in a large
group context.
7, 8.

(6) Who will do what?
As a co-teacher, I will be involved in all sequences of this lesson. I will act in a mentoring role, where student/teacher discussions on an
individual level can be modelled at the group level. Through consultation with my mentor teacher, specific lesson activities will be
highlighted for their potential opportunities for this student to engage in verbal dialogue. During this time, I will make an increased effort
to encourage, support and promote this student.
Throughout the 8 lesson phases, through which it is hoped the student will develop, the students parent will be kept informed of progress.
Any modifications will be implemented through this feedback loop.
(7) How will I check to see my learner has achieved the defined learning outcomes?
The desired learning outcomes will relate to Criterion 2: communicate ideas and information (TQA 2012) where, the ability to
communicate and express ideas is a central element. Thus, improvement on this criterion can be used as a marker of success. Further, the
learner will be assessed through observation and feedback loops with the parent. Currently there is an awareness of this childs quiet
manner and lack of contribution in class. It will be easily observable if this begins to change in class or at home. Alongside these
observations and assessment of enhanced verbal skills, an analysis will be undertaken to see if marks against other criterion show a positive
or negative correlation.

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(8) How will I inform the learner and others of the learners progress?
The learner will be aware of the renewed interest in this specific learning area. Once this has been outlined, formative and informal
assessment will be delivered to the student predominately though discussion. There will also be the opportunity for this learner to see their
progress in the learning goal being reflected in the recorded assessment of the teacher. At the end of the 8 lesson learning focus, there will
be a debrief with the student. This will outline the benefits of this learning program and how it might be extended in to the future.
As this learning management plan was developed in collaboration with the parent, they will share in the progress reporting of the student.
The teacher and parent will enter into a feedback loop, where all major successes and failures are reported. The reasons for each of these
will then be recorded, with further efforts being made to either replicate or remedy them. At the end of the 8 lessons, the parent will be
given a summary report of their student progress (either through a discussion or formal letter).

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