Herminigildo C. Eduardo Punong Barangay

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Nueva Ecija

Municipality of Jaen
Barangay Dampulan
OFF!E OF "#E P$NON% B&R&N%&'
Puro( )* Barangay Dampulan
"elephone No+, -.//0 1112343.
M E M O R & N D $ M
"O , Engineer !rispin 5aureano
Barangay Dampulan
Jaen* Nueva Ecija
6$BJE!" , 7ritten !omplaint of Marilou Escubio
an8 resi8ents of Bagong 6ilang*
Barangay Dampulan* Jaen* Nueva Ecija
D&"E , December 33* 3.91
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Handwritten complaint of Marilou Escubio and residents of Bagong Silang,
Barangay Dampulan, Jaen, Nuea Eci!a receied by t"is office on December
##, #$%&'
"he un8ersigne8 is respectfully for:ar8ing to your goo8 Office the herein complaint
penne8 by one Marilou Escubio an8 signe8 :ith conformity by thirty2si; -1)0 in8ivi8uals<
all resi8ents of Bagong 6ilang* Barangay Dampulan+
Perusal of the complaint :oul8 reveal that the perimeter high hollo: bloc( fence of
#OME6"E 5$MBER &ND #&RD7&RE locate8 along the provincial roa8 of Barangay
Dampulan of this municipality might collapse any time after a visible crac( materiali=e8 in
the fence 8ue to the "yphoon 6anti an8 Earth>ua(e+ "his poses a serious threat to life an8
property to the resi8ents of Bagong 6ilang+ "herein manifeste8 also is their appeal to
reconstruct the elevation an8 structure of the fence+
n this connection* the un8ersigne8 is humbly re>uesting your goo8 office to con8uct an
imme8iate ocular inspection to the sai8 area+ t li(e:ise as(e8 that this office be furnishe8
for reference an8 gui8ance :ith the result of the action ta(en+
'our usual cooperation :ill be highly appreciate8+
Punong Barangay
!opy Furnishe8,
#on+ Mayor 6antiago &ustria 2 Office of the Mayor Jaen* Nueva Ecija
Department #ea8 2 D5%* Jaen* Nueva Ecija

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