Resume Sample

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Rahul Kumar

Software Engineer +91-12!"#$%9&
Professional Summary
Experience in working with Liferay Portlet Technologies, JavaScript, JQuery
Experience in working on IDEs Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ, and tools SVN, aven.
!or" E#perience
Working as a Software Developer for $%& &orporation since September '()'*
'. (ech In Information Technology from &ollege with ,*), &-P$
Technical S"ills
Operating System : Windows Family !in"x
Data#ases : Oracle $ostgreS%l
!ang"ages : &ore 'ava S(! )*+! &SS 'avaScript '("ery ,+! 'SO-
'.EE *echnologies : 'S$ /estF"l We# services
Frameworks : )i#ernate !iferay
Servers : *omcat '0oss
*ools : Eclipse -et#eans Intelli' +aven S1- '2nit

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