第二次期中考40%答案 (English)

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(sol) : Define the nine decision variables Xj , j =1,2,…,9 as follows

Xj = the quantities to be decided upon at the number of acres to devote to each

of the three crops at each of the three kibbutzim.
Table 3.10 Decision variables
Allocation ( Acres )
Crop 1 2 3
Sugar beets X1 X2 X3
Cotton X4 X5 X6
Sorghum X7 X8 X9

Maximix: Z = 1,000(X1+ X2+ X3)+750(X4+ X5+ X6)+250(X7+ X8+ X9)

Subject to the following constraints:

1. Usable land for each kibbutz: 2. Water allocation for each kibbutz:
X1 + X4 + X7  400 3X1 + 2X4 + X7  600
X2 + X5 + X8  600 3X2 + 2X5 + X8  800
X3 + X6 + X9  300 3X3 + 2X6 + X9  375

3. Total acreage for each crop: 4. Equal proportion of land planted:

X1+ X2+ X3  600 X1  X 4  X 7 = X 2  X 5  X 8

400 600

X4+ X5+ X6  500 X2  X5  X8 = X3  X6  X9

600 300

X7+ X8+ X9  325 X 3  X 6  X 9 = X1  X 4  X 7

300 400
5. Nonnegativity: Xj  0, for j = 1, 2, …, 9

4. → Converted into:
3(X1 + X4 + X7)-2(X2 + X5 + X8) = 0
(X2 + X5 + X8)-2(X3 + X6 + X9) = 0
4(X3 + X6 + X9)-3(X1 + X4 + X7) = 0

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