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GHL Systems Philippines, Inc.

Floor, BA Lepanto Condominium
8747 Paseo De Roxas Avenue
a!ati, 1""6 Philippines
#A$ %F R$F$R$#C$&
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13 +hat is 4our relationship 5ith 666666666666 ,Appli7ant08
"3 *o5 5as it 5or!in. 5ith 666666666666 ,Appli7ant08 Please des7ri/e his relationship
5ith 4ou and his 5hole team in7ludin. /oss, su/ordinates, peers and 7lients8

93 +hat is 4our assessment on his overall per:orman7e8

43 +hat are his stren.ths8

;3 +hat are his 5ea!nesses or in 5hat areas does he need improvement, 7oa7hin. or

63 +h4 did he leave the 7ompan48 Did he leave 5ith a .ood re7ord8

73 <iven a 7han7e, 5ill 4ou 5or! 5ith him a.ain8

83 +ill 4ou re7ommend him to 5or! or handle the =o/ o: 66666666666 ,position o::ered08

Reference: XXX000000-BI-(surname of reference)
Strictly Private & Confidential Page!"!

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