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Teleradiology Update

Joel Chabriais
Teleradiology Update
No significant news since Munich
At this time Scheduled Workflow II is an
unofficial WI in IHE. IHE TC is collecting
use cases on workflow and the white paper on
Teleradiology will be take into account:

Teleradiology in Europe
ESR is preparing recommendations for
Teleradiology in Europe
ICT Group of ECR, is working on
additional use cases
Teleradiology in Europe
Risk of mess in Europe in the field of telemedicine:
DG Information Society (DG INFSO) of the European Commission did a
communication on Telemedicine to benefit to patient, Healthcare systems
and Society at the end of October 2008.
Analysis of the situation will be driven in 2009 and a specific regulation
should be proposed with the goal to have all member countries having
evaluate and modify their own national legislation.
The healthcare DG (DG SANCO) said that it is interested and wish to
contribute. But, at this time, DG INFSO didn't invite any physician nor
radiologist to join the team working on the subject.
ESR will contact DG INFSO and DG SANCO to manifest it willingness to
Availability of standards and IHE profile(s) will probably help.
Rest of the world
At this time no additional entry from any
Use cases from other countries and
especially from US will be welcome!

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