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There are several environmental problems. Some of which are pollution, global
warming, ozone depletion and many more. Today, we are going to look into the
problem of pollution.

Over the last several decades, uncontrolled population growth, rapid
urbanization and industrialization have resulted in environmental problems in
many countries, out of which one of the most critical problems is pollution. Most
cities do not collect all the wastes generated, and of the wastes collected, only a
fraction receives proper disposal. Over the next several decades, as globalization,
rapid urbanization and economic growth speed up in the developing world; they
will tend to further deteriorate this situation. Littering and irresponsible
dumping is also a cause of pollution.

As individuals, we believe that we put in the effort, no matter how small, it will
still make a significant change. Therefore, instead of targeting the
industrializations, we can target individuals.

Our group has come out with the idea of creating a 4D cinema to help spread this
message about pollution and inform them about the consequences of pollution.
This idea of a 4D cinema is inspired by those in the theme parks. Many people
enjoy the idea of being part of the film and experiencing the things the
characters inside have gone through, therefore we may use this fun way to
spread the message. In this cinema, people will be able to experience first hand
the consequences of pollution. For instance, a series of pictures of rubbish
dumps or polluted rivers will be shown, and the smell of these rubbish dumps or
polluted rivers may be released into the theatre. To illustrate global warming,
the temperature of the room may be increased. For a more real-life experience,
videos may be shown using the first persons point of view.

We hope that by this way, people will be more deterred from littering and
polluting the environment. While having this idea may work, it may also require
a lot of initial monetary investment.

Group members:
Yi Jin

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