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Petophilia by Jon Katz

Petophilia means to over indulge your pet; in other words, pet and philia means love of
an animal. This artile tal!s about the attahment one person an have with animals.This
reading speifies dogs. " en#oyed reading this artile beause it desribes the attahment that a
person has with a dog from another perspetive. " thin! the attahment that a human has with an
animal is beause they were loo!ing love of a person and never found it, therefore they hold on
to a pet. They say that a dog is a man$s best friend and "$m in total agreement. Today, almost all
the people want to have se% and not love. &owever, there are other people who want to find that
speial someone yet, by not finding it, they feel the obligation to have an attahment to an animal
and find the unonditional love that they never found in a person. Jon Katz tells us that there are
different types of dog love' love partners who are the wor!ing dogs; hunters, obediene
performer, et. They have a speial !ind of onnetion with their owners. Victim love are people
who go to shelters and fall in love at first sight with a dog or simply hold on to an animal
beause they are going through issues of love, loneliness or money problems. Surrogate dogs
are those that replae a family member. (ometimes these animals give us so muh love that we
feel so omfortable and live the rest of our life loving or holding on to that animal.

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