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Amit Manjunath

Unit II: Principles Of Inheritance

Chapter 8: How Cells Reproduce
Section 3: A Closer Look At itosis
-Prophase is the first stage of mitosis, when its chromosomes become visible.
-During prophase, the duplicated chromosomes condense and become threadlike, and
then rod-shaped.
-Most animal cells have a centrosome, which is a region near the nucleus that will
organize microtubules while the are forming.
-As prophase ends, the nuclear envelope breaks up into flattened vesicles.
-!ventuall, microtubules from the centrioles attach to the chromosomes and align them
in the middle.
-"he alignment of the chromosomes marks metaphase.
-During metaphase, the chromosomes are in their most tightl condensed form.
-Anaphase is the interval when sister chromatids of each chromosome separate and move
toward opposite spindle poles. "his process takes the help of motor proteins.
-"elophase gets underwa when one of each tpe of chromosome reaches a spindle pole.
"wo geneticall identical clusters of chromosomes are now located at opposite #ends$ of
the cell.
-"he chromosomes loosen up completel and two nuclear envelopes are in view.
-%n the end, the two daughter cells are at the stage of %nterphase et again.
Amit Manjunath
Unit II: Principles Of Inheritance
Chapter 8: How Cells Reproduce
Section !: C"toplas#ic $i%ision echanis#s
&ow Do Animal 'ells Divide(
-Animal cells partition their ctoplasm b pinching itself in two.
-"he indentation that is visible from the #pinching$ is called a cleavage furrow, and it is
the first visible sign that the ctoplasm is dividing.
-A contractile ring is a thing band of actin and mosin filaments that wraps around the
midsection of an animal cell undergoing ctoplasmic division.
&ow Do Plant 'ells Divide(
-"he contractile ring mechanism that works for animal cells would not work for a plant
cell because the contractile form isn)t strong enough to pinch through plant cell walls.
-"he cellulose fibers in the cell wall disassemble and new ones assemble in a narrow
band around the nucleus.
-A cell plate is after nuclear division in a plant cell division, a disk-shaped structure that
forms the cross-wall between the two new cells* will develop into a primar wall.
!ventuall, the cell plate will develop into a primar cell wall that merges with the parent
cell wall.

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