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James Camerons Titanic quickly became the most expensive

movie, costing over 200 million Dollars. Whos going to pay to

see a !" minute historical romance #ith a kno#n en$ing an$
no stars%
Its a love story. &eonar$o Di Caprio plays a poor boy #ho
#ins a ticket aboar$ the Titanic in a game o' poker. (ate Winslet
plays an unhappy member o' a rich 'amily #ho is bore$ by
social rules. )he #ants to commit suici$e* 'ortunately 'or her,
she runs into Di Caprio an$ then begins a romance as gran$ as
the Titanic itsel'. +ut theres +illy ,ane, Winslets col$ 'amily
member, an$ Winslets mother, extremely a'rai$ o' losing her
social status. The t#o main characters, Di Caprio an$ Winslet,
are e 'ascinating. They are both $eeply human.
The special e''ects are ama-ing, an$ they help the story an$
its characters. Thats ho# movies shoul$ be. .ilms shoul$ be
about their characters, not about their special e''ects or action
The tragic sinking, #hen it comes, is brutal an$ 'rightening. /ts
also very #ell constructe$. 0n$ ho# brutal1 The many people
#ho $ie #hen the Titanic sinks look real.
A. Complete the following chart from the text:
The title of Film Titanic
Main character !!!!!!!!!!!
"irector !!!!!!!!!!!
length !!!!!!!!!!!
t#pe !!!!!!!!!!!

$. Are thee tatement Tr%e or Fale& '%tif# #o%r anwer.
1. Titanic is a cheap film.
2. The end of the film is tragic.
C. Anwer the following (%etion a)o%t the text.
1. Why does Winslet want to commit suicide?
2. What are the techniques used in the film like?
*. +hat "o the %n"erline" wor" in the text refer to?
1. It parag.2!: """"""""""".
2. They parag.2!: """""""""""".
E. Fin" in the text wor" that mean the ame a,
1. meets #y chance parag.2!.
2. worried parag.2!.

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