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IPB number

The IPB number is a country code numbered classification. It is unique for each IS. The
IPB number is set at the production center and cannot be changed afterwards.
If it is not possible to load Site Backup after jumpstart, problem could be IPB number.
In IS3.1 there is sysIpbNumberAlarm in which you define IPB number after jumpstart.
This alarm does not exist in IS2.0.
If IPB number is different from that one defined in backup you want to load, it will not be
possible to load the backup.
Before you define IPB number, first check it in backup to avoid additional problems and
doing jumpstart again.
Using comands below it is possible to check IPB number defined in backup:
sis1:/share/backup/4 # cd ..
sis1:/share/backup # ls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
sis1:/share/backup # cat 7/metadata
{blade_product_info,[{"blade_0_13",{"ROJ 208 841/1","R6C"}},
{"blade_0_1",{"ROJ 208 841/1","R6C"}}]}.

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