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In recent years the developments of information technology have been dramatic.

For example the World Wide Web and e-mail communication have affected modern
life. Although we cant imagine our lives without technological progress, it is possible
that not all the changes are beneficial.
n the one hand, the Internet will continue to have a very powerful influence and it
has many positive aspects. First of all, global communication has become !uic"er
and cheaper as there is now easier access to information. In addition, the WWW and
email communication have also been used in education.
n the other hand, there are serious negative aspects in our lives. I believe that
the Internet is used for illegal activities such as pornography and information theft.
#oreover, more and more people are able to access the WWW all over the world. As
a result, this may cause many people to become addicted to surfing, email or chat
$o sum up, it is clear that developments in information technology will continue but
there will be many negative aspects. In my opinion, people shouldn%t let their lives be
totally dominated by information technology.
Read the text.
1. Which of the statements
are arguments for and
which are arguments
2. Which of the underlined
1. give a personal opinion?
2. give an opposite
3. add result?
4. introduce a conclusion?
5. introduce an argument?
6. give eamples?
!. epress reason?
". add points?
&se the ideas listed in your group an the plan above to write an essay about the pros and cons of chat rooms.
Can chat rooms be dangerous!
$hin" about the topic and follow the steps
- #a"e some notes
- )ist the pros and cons of chat rooms
- For each item list examples
+ros ,
.xamples ,
- 0tart organi1ing your ideas into a structured text2
o Introduction 3 '
paragraph - introduce the problem referred to in the !uestion
o #ain body 3 (
paragraph 3 advantages with reasons4examples
paragraph 3 disadvantages with reasons4examples
o -onclusion 3 /
paragraph - 5our opinion

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