Sweetie Pie Quesadilla

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Sweetie Pie Quesadilla

From the cookbook: Best Lunch Box Ever $24.95

cup coarsely rate! "onterey #ack cheese
$%o &'(nch %hole %heat )lour tort(llas
* cup rate! peele! ra% s%eet potato
+ cup cooke! black beans, !ra(ne!
2 tablespoons m(l! reen taco sauce
- teaspoon extra'v(r(n ol(ve o(l
"akes 2 serv(ns
-. .pr(nkle hal) o) the cheese evenly over one tort(lla.
.catter the s%eet potato over the cheese, )ollo%e! by
the beans. .poon the taco sauce over the beans an! top
%(th the rema(n(n cheese an! the rema(n(n tort(lla.
2. /n a me!(um sk(llet, heat the ol(ve o(l over me!(um heat.
0ut the 1uesa!(lla (n the pan an! cook unt(l ol!en bro%n
an! cr(spy, 2 to 2 m(nutes. 3(th a spatula, )l(p the
1uesa!(lla an! cook unt(l the secon! s(!e (s ol!en bro%n
an! cr(spy, about 2 m(nutes.
2. $rans)er the 1uesa!(lla to a cutt(n boar! an! let cool
)or a )e% m(nutes.
4. 4ut (nto 1uarters. 3rap or pack (nto t%o conta(ners.

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