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Fabiola M.

Torres Prez
Definition Paragraph
What it takes to be a great leader
A person that leads, that guides and directs others is described as a leader. It is
also known, as a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a
goal. A leader is one who goes first and leads by example, so that others are motivated to
follow him. It can be chosen for his situational interaction, behavior, power, vision and
values, and intelligence, among others. Great leaders lead through inspiration, persuasion
and personal connections. Research claim to say that there are essentially five
characteristics of great leaders. The first of these is being flexible, not everything goes as
planned and they have to be able to change course. The second is to be able to
communicate, and personal character shows through in their communication. A third
characteristic is having courage, tenacity and patience. The fourth characteristic is the
combination of humility and presence. The fifth and final characteristic of a successful
leader is being responsible. A leader gives his ideas to help a group with a problem, or
some kind of work, but he also works with the group. For instance, in my social science
class the professor divided the class in small groups, in each group we have to make one
student a leader and pick a theme related to the class; everyone in the group gave some
ideas, our leader combined all the ideas and interlaced them all to form one theme. Our
leader guides us so that our project presentation came out great. A leader begins with
small steps that can guide and prepare him to participate in big steps. Every person can be
a leader, but just remember to fulfill with characteristics already mentioned.

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