Mid Year Holiday Homework

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Unit 4 English

Mid-year break homework

Due Wednesday, Week 1, Term 3

Context Study: Summer of the 17th Doll
Start collecting material which relates to issues of Australian Identity and
These can be novels, plays, poems, songs, images, memes, articles, documentaries,
Compile a le of at least 5 texts.

Wuthering Heights
Read and annotate Wuthering Heights.
Compile notes about characters, themes, writing style (including references to elements
of the Gothic and Romanticism).
Read up on the novel using guides such as Shmoop and Sparknotes, and add to your
own notes (using your OWN WORDS!)

Prepare a 5 minute oral presentation on a topic allocated you by your teacher.
Your topic will be one of those listed below.
You should keep in mind the other topics as you read the novel, and may like to make
some notes exploring the ideas the topics present.
All presentations should make close references to exa.mples from the text. You may like
to read a short passage or two to illustrate your points.
1. Heathcliff: how did he develop from rescued child to demon of revenge?
2. Cathy Earnshaw - victim of passion, or embodiment of cruel selshness?
3. The second generation at Wuthering Heights was ruined by the choices of their
parents. Discuss.
4. The setting of the novel reects the wild passions and turbulent emotions of its
characters. Discuss.
5. Contrast Wuthering Heights with Thrushcross Grange. Compare their physical
differences; the atmosphere of each place; what each represents; the way each place
allows certain events to take place
6. In what ways is this a Gothic novel? In what ways could it be considered to t into
another genre/s.
7. Analyse the structure of the novel. Explore the effects of the structure, its advantages
and disadvantages, and suggest why Bronte may have strutted it the way she did.
8. Who are the victims in the novel, and why?
9. This novel is an exploration of the relationships between men and women. Discuss.
10. Analyse the use of symbolism, metaphor and evocative imagery in the novel.

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