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6/24/2014 A new metamaterial gives visible light a nearly infinite wavelength | IFLScience 1/8
A new metamaterial gives visible light a nearly
infinite wavelength
October 22, 2013 | by Anonymous
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It is the phase velocity and group velocity of light that determines how it propagates in a
material. Phase velocity dictates how the peaks and valleys of the wave move in the
material, while the group velocity describes the transport of energy. Einsteins laws dictate
that the transport of the energy of light can not be faster than the speed of light, and so the
group velocity is limited.
There are no physical limitations to the phase velocity though: when the phase velocity is at
zero there is no movement of the peaks and valleys of the wave but when it is infinite the
wavelength diverges to very large values. No materials with these properties exist in nature.
Researchers, from the FOM Institute AMOLF and the University of Pennsylvania,
constructed a metamaterial made of a unit cell structure much smaller then the wavelength
of light, by stacking silver and silicon nitride nanolayers. This new material allows light to
feel the optical properties of both layers. As the permittivity of silver is negative and that of
silicon nitride is positive, the combined material has a permittivity which is effectively equal
to zero. The light therefore experiences zero resistance, and propagates with an infinite
phase velocity; the wavelength of the light is therefore nearly infinite.
The material was constructed using focused ion beam milling, a technique that allows the
user control over the materials structure at the nanoscale level. A specially built
interferometer showed that light did propagate through the metamaterial with no significant
change of phase, essentially corresponding to an almost infinite wavelength.
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