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Individual Research Plan Emma Pal

Using your collective knowledge and the class forum, identify a range of Human
Rights/Social Justice Groups A! the issue they work to address"
What Human Rights/Social justice Issue and group will you focus on
Group/#rganisation" $ethlehem %ertiary &nstitute '$%&( )overty
&ssue" *hild )overty
!efine the Human Rights/Social "ustice Issue#
&dentify + what, who, where, when and why/how this is a human rights/social ,ustice issue
%he Human Right/Social Justice issue & am going to research is -$ethlehem %ertiary &nstitute-. %hey
are a social ,ustice group that help prevent child poverty. %his group is located in ew /ealand. %his
$ethlehem %ertiary &nstitute help prevent child poverty 0y offering"
1*hild protection
1*ommunity work and community development
1Hospitals and primary health care
12anagement and supervision
12ental health and addictions
1Refugees and migrants
1Residential care
13oluntary and community organisations and government organisations
14outh ,ustice
5hy/How" *hild )overty is a social ,ustice issue 0ecause children who live in poverty, lack access to
services and opportunities. %hey lack 0asic needs like proper clothing, education and shelter. $ut
according to the human rights, everyone has the right to education, shelter etc. *hildren deserve to
0e e6ually treated. Appro7imately 89: of ew /ealand children live in poverty.
;or e7ample" ;red Hollows ;oundation '/( + avioda0le 0lindness in the )acific
$lo%al# Immigration &aw 'enter ()I&'*
%his organisation is dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of low income immigrants and
their family mem0ers.
&ocal# "ustice and Peace 'ommission + 'atholic !iocese of ,uc-land
%he Justice and )eace commission has a vision of action for social ,ustice. %hey help proclaim
Jesus< message of freedom and li0eration 0y working for ,ustice in our communities, nation and
)ational# .ethlehem /ertiary Institute (./I* Poverty
%his organisation helps encourage people to put in a helping hand to help less fortunate children.
=&n ew /ealand, we need caring, passionate people prepared to stand in the gap, develop trusting
relationships and 0e advocates for those who need help and support.=
.ecome familiar with your /HREE Research 0uestions
Identify the relevant $lo%al Studies 1ey 'oncepts relevant to this issue (highlight/circle*
Human Rights Social "ustice E2uity E2uality

Responsi0ility Roles Group ;amily *ommunity
Society !emocracy eeds *ultural practices )articipation

Sustaina0ility *iti>enship ?conomics )erspectives

Identify possi%le resources (relia%le* that could %e used to complete you research in the
Human Rights/Social "ustice issue#
Social "ustice Issue We%site
,rticles relating to this $roup
'ontact Social "ustice $roup
1 Use the A)A referencing style/format + refer to document on 2H#@
+ http#//www3amnesty3org3n4/get+involved/join+amnesty+team/join+specialist+
+ http#//www3un3org/en/documents/udhr/
+ http#//www3%ti3ac3n4/social+justice+in+new+4ealand3html

A. 5hat human right/social ,ustcie violation has occurred and who/what has
caused this violateB
1 %he violation that has occurred is -*hild )overty- and it has 0een caused 0y the 0ringing up of the
children/effects on the parents which have affected the children.
8. How did has this violate effected the people involvedB &t has affected children. &t effects
them 0y not 0eing a0le to have access to their 0asic needs. )roper *lothing, ?ducation etc.
C. 5hy/How has this violate occurred 1 B

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