Group and Individual Plan

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Shiloah, Brittney and Emma.

Group Research Plan

Using your collective knowledge and the class forum, identify a range of uman
Rights!Social "ustice Groups #$% the issue they work to address&
'hat uman Rights!Social (ustice )ssue and group will you focus on*
Group/Organisation: +hild Poverty #ction Group $,
Issue: +hild Poverty
%efine the uman Rights!Social "ustice )ssue&
Identify what, who, where, when and why/how this is a human rights/social justice
The Human Right/scoail ustice issue I am going to research is called !hild "o#erty $ction
Group% This group is &ased in 'ew (ealand%
Together, we can end child poverty.
!hild "o#erty $ction Group are an independent charity who aim to eliminate child po#erty in
'ew (ealand% !"$G wor) to protect children from needless po#erty &y helping them
recei#e/ha#e the right conditions to grow% !"$G was first formed in *++, &ecause of
concern for the le#el of po#erty in 'ew (ealand rising% This group ha#e o#er -,.// mem&ers
and supporters in 'ew (ealand% !"$G are located in 0hangarei, $uc)land, 0ellington and
!hild "o#erty $ction Groups 1!ore O&jecti#es1 are:
2 To promote &etter policies for children and young people%
2 To promote awareness of the causes and conse3uences of child po#erty%
2 To ensure all acti#ities and decisions of the group honour Te Tiriti O 0aitangi%
2 To ensure all acti#ities and decisions respect other cultural perspecti#es%
!hild "o#erty is a social justice issue &ecause children who li#e in po#erty, lac) access to
ser#ices and opportunities% They lac) &asic needs li)e proper clothing, education and
shelter% 4ut according to the Human Rights, all children are to &e treated e3ually%
5or e6ample: 5red Hollows 5oundation 7'(8 a#ioda&le &lindness in the "acific
$ational& Bethlehem -ertiary )nstitute .B-)/ Poverty
This organisation helps encourage people to put in a helping hand to help less fortunate children%
9In 'ew (ealand, we need caring, passionate people prepared to stand in the gap, de#elop trusting
relationships and &e ad#ocates for those who need help and support%9
0omen refugee 7'(8 They stand against domestic #iolence%
Glo1al& )mmigration 2aw +enter .$)2+/
This organisation is dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of low income immigrants and
their family mem&ers%
Become familiar with your -REE Research 3uestions
)dentify the relevant Glo1al Studies 4ey +oncepts relevant to this issue
Human Rights Social "ustice E5uity E5uality

Responsi&ility Roles Group 5amily !ommunity
:ociety ;emocracy 'eeds !ultural practices "articipation

:ustaina&ility !iti<enship =conomics "erspecti#es

)dentify possi1le resources .relia1le/ that could 1e used to complete you research in
the uman Rights!Social "ustice issue&
+hild Poverty #ction Group 'e1site
#rticles involving this Group
+ontacting this Group
2 >se the $"$ referencing style/format refer to document on ?HO@

*% 0hat human right/social justcie #iolation has occurred and who/what has
caused this #iolateA 2 The human right/social justice #iolation that has occurred is
!hild "o#erty% The cause of child po#erty is due to many different things% It may &e caused
through the up2&ringing of the child, family issues etc%
-% How did has this #iolate effected the people in#ol#ed 2
It has affected the way children are &rought up% They lac) &asic needs and miss out on
B% 0hy/How has this #iolate occurred A

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