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Assignments for PR

1 Measuring opinions towards the company of shareholders, financial analysts &

2. Recommending communication strategy, particularly for corporate goals.
3. Assisting with preparation of financial literature, such as letters to new shareholders,
interim & annual reports, dividend enclosures etc.
. Ma!ing arrangements & preparing informational materials for financial meetings,
facility tours & presentations for the investor groups, analysts & financial media.
". #riting financial news releases & handling of in$uiries from financial media.
%ne of the important roles of &inancial PR is in the preparation of annual reports.
#hat 'hould Annual Reports (ontain
1. An attractive & distinctive cover.
2. An inviting design that helps reader get the main message.
3. A ta)le of contents and * or highlights.
. +dentification of mem)ers of the ,oard of directors.
". A statement or letter from the chairman or the (-% or )oth, the past
year/s events & goals for the future.
0. (onsolidated )alance statements of earnings, shareholder/s interest, & operating
cash flows for the year.
1. &inancial highlights & comparisons with at least the previous year, )ut often with
the past "213 years.
4. Auditor/s statement of independence & adhering to accepted accounting
Pu)lic Relations 5ypical 'upport6
+t is essential to identify the type of technical support PR can provide which is
enumerated )elow6
1. 7elping with physical arrangements.
2. (reating handouts & other on site communications.
3. Assisting with tours & souvenirs.
. Accommodating news media, including all necessary arrangements.
". 8enerating pu)licity support.
0. Preparing 9&A sheets for top e:ecutives in anticipation of $uestions from

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