Example On Using PIPENET VISION and AutoCAD Interface

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While within PIPENET VISION's user-friendly software, you may now communicate and transfer files with other
software paca!es such as "uto#"$% Ima!ine you ha&e the 'elow networ and you want to chec it within
1. Create a DXF fie!
(ou may easily sa&e your drawin! in %d)f format and then insert it as an underlay within PIPENET
VISION en&ironment in order to create an e)act copy in the schematic window, usin! "ie#$ i%&ort
'ra&(i)a u*+era, option%
-. Dra# t(e *et#or.!
(ou may set an e)act scale with the help of *oomin! tools and display options in order to achie&e the
most similar underlay to schematic drawin!%

/. Ca)uate!
"fter you'&e done the calculation and your report is ready, you may modify the networ if re+uired%
0. Create a DXF fie!
Now you are ready to return to "uto#"$, continue the desi!n, and issue the document on the 'asis of
pipin! discipline% (ou may use Too1$ e2&ort +2f fie in order to create an "uto#"$ $rawin! %
Now you are 'ac in "uto#"$ a!ain% If the networ does not e)ist, you can create one within PIPENET VISION
and then e)port the file to "uto#"$% In that case, you may i!nore step , of this introduction%
-ood .uc with your desi!n/

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