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Truth Campaign &

Local Ad
Conat. Oate. Romero.
Truth Campaign:
- is an anti-tobacco
company campaign in the United States.
- Truth campaign was modeled after an anti-
smoking campaign in Florida.
- The program set out to drive a wedge
between the tobacco industry's advertising
and a youth audience.

Truth Campaign Ad Candy

Unsweetened truth Campaign Asks
Why Do They Make Tobacco Taste
According to New England Journal of
Medicine, flavored smoking products are used by
42% of middle-school and high-school students who
From an article of Legacy for Health, packaging and
imagery of flavored products serve as powerful new
sources of promotion to youth.
Tobacco industry documents show that the industry
has long recognized the benefits of sweet flavors in
attracting new tobacco users, especially kids.

According to an October 2013 Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, study on youth use of
flavored tobacco products, Flavors can mask the
natural harshness and taste of tobacco, making
flavored tobacco products easier to use and
increasing their appeal among youth.
Unsweetened Truth

Overview of Local Ad:
A patriotic initiative anchored on optimism.
Provides refreshing message of hope and
empowerment. It is an apolitical and
inclusive movement to energize Filipinos,
especially the youth, and move them to
2009 Presidential Election The
campaign gave way to commit action plan
for Filipinos to practice voting rites.

Why is it effective?
Various Filipinos spoke about how they
can make a difference with their own
individual efforts.
What made this advertisement effective
was that it aimed on focusing driven action
to a large audience without the use of
stratification or the systematic inequalities.

Emotional appeal relates to the
consumers social or psychological needs
for purchasing a product or service.
These appeals are based on the
psychological states or feelings directed
to the, as well as those with a more
social orientation.

Idea On Stratification:
- Stratification: The state of being
divided into social classes. Refers to
systematic inequalities in things such as
wealth, income, education, power and
- Belief from same social strata or
members within a group society, tend to
live in similar ways, have similar views and

- Members of community often share
rituals and traditions, and feel some sort of
responsibility to one another and the
- Members believe that they belong to
group of people who are similar in some
important way, and different from those
not in the community.

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