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Level 2 Music Practitioners Certificate

End of Unit Evaluation

Name: Katrin Evans Unit No: 202
Composition Process
I am a singer, but for this piece of work I wanted to try something different so I decided to
write an instrumental piece that could be used as background music for a film. I used
Garageband to help me create and record my work.

First I sat at the piano and tried playing some different chord patterns when I had chosen
the pattern I liked I recorded this onto one track before I started improvising over this to
make the main melody. I asked my teacher for some help with how to develop my piece
further. I liked the suggestion of adding a bass line to add texture to the piece. When I had
the main theme finished I changed the instruments before then repeating this process to
add the B section. I repeated these parts, but found that it was boring to listen to so I
asked my teacher for some help again. y teacher suggested changing the chord
patterns to keep the music more interesting and played some different ones so I could
choose the one I liked best. !o finish my piece off I faded all the parts out but kept the
piano one till last because I really like the broken chord pattern it plays.
I called my piece "dventure time because I think it is suitable for an action film as there
are different moods shown at different times in the piece.
SWO !nal"sis
I have composed an instrumental piece suitable for an action film, lasted three
y piece has a rhythym track, bass line, harmonic progression and a melody.
y piece sounded professional and is interesting to listen to.
I created a score of my piece using #ibelius.
I think my piece is suitable for use in an action film and has different sections that
create different moods.
I have very little confidence in my abilities and doubt myself a lot.
I used repetition too much rather than looking at adding new sections.
I have learned how to use different types of music software.
I have learned how to use chords in different ways to create effects.
I have composed a piece of music all by myself.
I must remember to make back$ups of my work, so that if a piece of e%uipment
failed I would not lose everything.
&verall I think I deserve a merit as I showed good and competent compositional skills. I
also displayed good time management skill and clear ability at representing the
compostion through stave notation. I developed a lot of strengths while working on my
piece including how to structure music well and learning how to use the computer to create
my work and help me make a score. I need to develop my work more through learning
about how to use chords in different ways to make different effects.

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