The Compass

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The Compass

A guiue to navigating enviionmental euucation.

*Iuea auapteu fiom Neal Smith National Wilulife Refuge
!"#$%& ()$%*"+,*-: The iegulai
iecoiuing of obseivations,
peiceptions, anu feelings about
the natuial woilu aiounu you
./&*)+)-01 The stuuy of how
climate anu seasonal vaiiations
influence the timing of plant
anu animal lifecycles anu
.+"2&34"5&6 76$2"#,)*1 Connecting people with theii
local community anu local enviionment by
emphasizing hanus-on, ieal-woilu leaining
expeiiences. Place-baseu euucation seeks the answeis
o Wheie am I.
o What is the natuie of this place.
o What sustains this community.

8)6&+ !"#$%"+,5#1 0sing
woiks fiom ielevant anu
meaningful natuialists to leain
how to best stuuy natuie.
Examples incluue Aluo
Leopolu, Rachel Caison, }ohn
Nuii, anu Byiu Bayloi.
9 :&*5& ;< =)*6&%
Aiousing anu awakening an emotional
connection anu fascination with
natuie. This will ultimately leau to
wise caie-takeis of oui enviionment.
"What's impoitant is that chiluien have the oppoitunity to bonu with the natuial woilu,
to leain to love it, befoie being askeu to save it." Baviu Sobel, Beyonu Ecophobia

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