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September 2014

American History 20G

Course Outline
The American History 20G course is divided up into six units:
A Unique Foundation
A) Early & Colonial America
European Expansion
The English Empire
Colonial Life
Groing !iscontent
B) Revolution
The !eclaration of "ndependence
#aging #ar
The Aftermath of #ar
$ules for a %ust &ociety
A Groin! "oer
C) Birt# o$ t#e Re%u&lic & 'ani$est (estiny
The #ar of ()(2
*ational Expansion
() )#e U*+* Civil ,ar
&lavery and Emancipation
+resident Lincoln
E) )o ,orld ,ar One
+resident $oosevelt
#omen,s $ights
America %oins the #ar
A ,orld "oer
F) ,orld ,ar )o and t#e Cold ,ar
+resident $oosevelt
#ar in Europe - America %oins the #ar
.ictory at Enormous Cost
The +ostar #orld
An "deological /attle ith the 01&1&1$1
HI 20G
Assignments include research
projects and presentations as well
as three or four essays. A major
focus of this course is to help you
improve your critical thinking
and writing skills.
Marking Guide
Classwork including all
quizzes, tests and assignments
(see handout) 75%
Final Exam

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