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Data: 06.05.

Lectie: Wild animals Animale salbatice
Limbaj int: crocodile, elephant, hippo, giraffe, snake, tiger, monkey, lion.
1. Recapitulare noiuni: long - lung, short - scurt, big - mare, small - mic, clean - curat, dirty - murdar.
2.Prezentarea noilor noiuni: crocodile - crocodil, elephant - elefant, hippo - hopopotam, giraffe - girafa, snake
- sarpe, tiger - tigru, monkey - maimuta, lion - leu.
3. onsolidarea noiunilor nou !n"ate: !n"are prin joc #W$at%s t$is&'
(. onsolidarea noiunilor nou !n"ate po"este )*2.31+:
Simon: Lets play an animal game,
Suzy: O, Simon.
Simon: !hats this animal" #ts a big
cat. #ts orange and black.
Suzy: $hats easy, its a tiger.
Simon: %es. &ery good. !hat no'" $his
animal is big and grey.
Suzy: #ts a hippo.
Simon: (o, its big and grey 'ith a big
Suzy: #ts an elephant.
Simon: Ok, Ok. !hats bro'n and
yello' 'ith a small head"
Suzy: #s it a monkey"
Simon: (o, it isnt.
Suzy: # kno'! #ts a giraffe.
Simon: %es, )ery good. Ok. !hats
this" #ts long and green and*
Suzy: +r, is it a snake"
Simon: ,ah! (o, it isnt. $his animal is
long, big, green and*
Suzy: # kno', # kno'! #ts a
Simon: %up!
Suzy: (o' its my turn. !hat this"
#ts small and 'hite 'ith red hair
and a big mouth.
Simon: +r, # dont kno'. !hat
animals that, Suzy"
Suzy: #ts a Simon! ,a, ha, ha!
Simon: &ery funny, Suzy! $hank
,. -nc$eierea lectiei #.uess t$e animal'.
Data: 08.05.2014
Lectie: Wild animals Animale salbatice
Limbaj int: crocodile, elephant, hippo, giraffe, snake, tiger, monkey, lion.
1. Recapitulare noiuni anterior !n"ate:
crocodile - crocodil, elephant - elefant, hippo - hopopotam, giraffe - girafa, snake - sarpe, tiger - tigru,
monkey - maimuta, lion - leu.
face - fa/0, ear - ureche, eye - ochi, mouth - gur0, nose - nas, teeth - din/i, hair - p0r, head - cap.
head - cap, shoulders - umeri, knees - genunchi, toes - degete de le picioare, hands - m1ini, fingers -
degete de la m1ini, feet - picioare 2laba picioului3.
2. Prezentarea noilor noiuni: tail - coad0.
3. onsolidarea noiunilor nou !n"ate: #As/ and ans0er'.
(. onsolidarea noiunilor nou !n"ate: #Listen and 1uess' )* 2.32+:
a3 $heyre big and grey. $hey)e got short tails and big ears.
b3 $heyre big cats. $hey got big teeth. $heyre orange and black.
c3 $heyre long. $hey ha)ent got legs or arms.
d3 $hey)e got four legs. $heyre yello' and bro'n. $hey ha)ent got big teeth.
e3 $heyre green. $hey ha)e four short legs. $hey)e got a big mouth and big teeth.
,. -nc$eierea lectiei: cantec )*2.(3+:
4nimals, animals, big and small,
4nimals, animals, short and tall.
4nimals, animals, dirty and clean,
4nimals, animals, bro'n and green.
5ome on, children, sing along,
Sing and mo)e to the animal song.
Lets all do the hippo sho', 26 73
8o)e your hands and feet.
Lets all do the elephant dance, 26 73
8o)e your arms and legs.
Lets all do the snake shake,
8o)e your head and tail.
Lets all do the crocodile smile, 26 73
Sho' your big 'hite teeth.
Lets all do the giraffe laugh, 26 73
Open your big clean mouth.

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