Bagian2 Research Proposal

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A. Title : Improving the Students Learning English Motivation through at the Fourth
Grade of .. Elementary School in Academic Year 2011/2012

B. Field of Study : English Language Teaching

C. Background
D. Identification of the Problems

1. How to improve students motivation in learning English?
2. What approaches can be used to improve .?
3. .
4. .
5. ..
6. ..
E. Limitation of the Problem
Because of the limited knowledge, time, and fund, the writer will focus her study on
Improving the Students etc.
F. Formulation of the problem
In line with the background and the limitation of the problem, the problems in this
research can be formulated as follows:
1. How to improve the students learning English motivation through song ..?
2. How is the improvement of the students motivation .?
G. Objectives of the Research
Relevant to the problem formulation above, the objectives of this research are :
1. To describe how to improve the students etc.
2. To find out the improvement of the students learning ..etc.
H. Significance of the research
The findings of this research will be beneficial and give contributions to students,
teachers, and other researchers as the following:
1. For the students

2. For the teachers
3. For other researchers

I. Review of Related Theories
1. Language Learning
2. Motivation
d. Theoretical Framework

J. Research Methodology
1. Research Design
2. Subject of the Research
3. Schedule of the Research

Preparation May June July
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Report Writing

4. Population and Sampling
5. Data of the Research
6. Research Instrument
7. Data Collection Technique
8. Analysis of the Data


C. MetodePenelitian

3. Jjjh
a. Hhhhhhhh
b. Jhhhkj
1) Hghjhjhhh
2) Gghjhjhhk
a) Jkjjjkjkkk
b) Hgggjkjkk
(1) Gjhjhjjk
(2) Nmn,mmmmm
(a) Hhgjkkjkjk
(b) hjhjjkkjkkl


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