Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary

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Nelapattu Bird sanctuary (NBS) is located in Nelappatu village,Near to doravari satram.

It is located on the East Coast about 1!"m north o# $ulicat in the Nellore district. %he
NBS is one o# the largest and important pelican habitats in Southeast &sia. 'here you
can see the birds in #e( meters a(ay (&ppro)imately 1!1* mts) .NBS is a breeding
ground #or Spotted Billed $elican (nearly threatened), +pen!Billed Stor", ,ittle
Cormorant, 'hite!Ibis and Night -eron others duc"s. It is a small #resh (ater irrigation
tan" (ith Barringtonia &cutangula trees spread in the (ater, (hich (ill be used by birds
#or nesting. It is a good place to see diverse species o# (aders and (ater birds. Nelapattu
has an environmental education centre, museum, library and an auditorium (ith audio!
visual e.uipment. 'atch to(ers are also available to (atch the birds at the Sanctuary.
&ccommodation and #acilities/ In 0oravari satram there is a AP tourism Hotel and in
sullurpeta you (ill #ind lot good lodges and hotels #or stay.
Places to visit
$ulicat ,a"e Bird sanctuary/ is located on the East Coast about 1!"m south in the Nellore
district. $ulicat ,a"e is the second largest brac"ish 1 (ater la"e or lagoon in India "no(n
#or its #lemingos (hich migrate here.
Where to stay: IB at Sullurpet else Chennai
23B guesthouse and a #e( Inspection Bungalo(s in Sullurpet.
Contact: 2adhi"a, &$ %ourism, Ne( 0elhi (11!4455467) or
%he 0ivisional 8orest +##icer,
'ildli#e 9anagement 0ivision,
$hone/ 7564!561*7, 7564!6:6;:6
Hotels in Chennai city
Where to eat
APTDC Restaurant,
0orvarisatram, Nellore
$hone/ 7564!6;<5<
APTDC Restaurant,
%ada, Nellore
$hone/ 7564! 6:<77
How to reach
By air
Nearest &irport 1 Chennai: ; "m.
By Rail
Nearest 2ail(ay Station is at Sullurpet (: =m)
By road
E)cellent : lane N-* road connects Chennai to Sullurpet (7 !m)
Nellore to(n is < "m #rom Sullurpet.
"uic! #acts
$td Code: %&'(
Tourist o##ice
)mer*ency num+er
Police station
S.I. +8 $+,ICE ,
Sullurpeta Circle o##ice,
$hone/ 7564!6:646
>overnment -ospital/ 7564!6:6677
Satish 0ha(an 9emorial -ospital/ 7564!6:666:

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