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Type of

Operated by Where Fitted How it operates Testing Defects Remedies
1 Gas
and taps
T!rning valve
to line !p two
holes or
"ooer, Fires, water
heaters, #oilers, $ll
appliances as
service valves, The
Gas passes thro!gh a machined
hole in the main body of the valve
to a central drilling& #y t!rning
the gas tap this lines !p the two
holes allowing gas to pass thro!gh
to the main b!rner
#y t!rning gas tap on and off, the mechanism
sho!ld be free moving& (artic!lar care sho!ld be
taen on tightness testing for cooer controls to
ens!re there are no leas )when tightness testing
ens!re cooer lids are in the open position so yo!
are testing all the way to the controls
'alve can
dry o!t
and lea
Grease valve
with graphite
, -afety c!t
off valve
%ither a
valve on the
gas rail that
is depressed
by a lever on
the bac of
the cooer
hot plate lid
or a lever
that wors a
system that
rotates the
controls to
the off
"ooers 1& $ lever is attached to the hot plate lid
that in t!rn is attached to the pl!nger on
the safety c!t off valve& When the lid is in
the open position the gas safety c!t off
valve spindle or pl!nger is depressed
forcing the valve off of its seating
allowing the gas to pass to the b!rners&
When the cooer lid is lowered the
pl!nger is allowed to rise and by means of
a spring the gas valve is forced onto its
seating c!tting off the flow of gas to the
main b!rners& .t sho!ld be noted that when
the lid is raised again if the b!rner controls
are not in the closed position gas will flow
to the b!rners at f!ll rate b!t will not be
,& The other form of safety c!t off wors
by a system of rods and gears that when
the cooer lid is lowered the system
rotates the act!al b!rner controls to the off
position, this is m!ch safer as when the lid
is raised again the b!rner controls remain
in the off position so no gas flows
1& With the b!rners
alight slowly lower
the lid of the hot
plate and ens!re that
all b!rners sh!t off
,& With the b!rners
alight slowly lower
the lid of the hot
plate and ens!re that
all hotplate b!rner
controls rotate
freely to the off
1&The pl!nger on the
safety c!t off valve
becomes defective,
grease and dirt can mae
the pl!nger stic in
either on or off positions
,&The plate that operates
the pl!nger on the bac
of the hot plate lid may
become bent or
misaligned so as not to
operate the safety c!t off
valve correctly
/& Dirt can get !nder the
valve seat preventing the
valve from closing
0&The gearing and rod
system may become
defective so as not to
rotate the controls
1& "lean pl!nger
caref!lly with
taing care not
to allow any
li1!id to enter
the valve
,&Realign the
plate or bend
bac into the
correct shape
/&Replace gas
safety c!t off
0& Replace any
defective parts
/ #i2
from a
Two different metals are 4oined together
that e3pand and contract at different rates
when they are heated and cooled& The end
of the bi2 metallic strip is connected to a
spindle which in t!rn is connected to a gas
valve& When the bi2 metallic strip is heated
it bends allowing the spindle to drop which
allows the gas valve to come off of its
seating allowing gas to flow to the main
With the bi2 metallic strip
totally cold yo! t!rn on the
gas to the main b!rner, if the
bi2 metallic strip is
f!nctioning correctly no gas
sho!ld be able to pass
thro!gh to the main b!rner
$& the bi2 metallic
strip becomes
permanently bent
eeping the gas
valve open or
#& the valve spindle
becomes bent
4amming the valve
open or closed
.f f!nctioning correctly the
appliance is deemed to be not
to c!rrent standard& .f the
appliance is not f!nctioning
correctly the appliance is
deemed to be immediately
dangero!s and m!st be
5o repairs are permitted
0 Thermo
$ fi3ed pilot
heating a
which contains two
different metals that
when heated give
off a small electric
Gas fires
Heat is !sed via a pilot flame
that heats the end of a
thermoco!ple that contains two
different metals that when
heated prod!ce a small electrical
c!rrent& This c!rrent passes
down the wires contained in the
thermoco!ple to an
electromagnet that is in the main
thermoelectric valve& This
magnet becomes energised as
long as the tip of the
thermoco!ple is heated and
holds down the main gas valve
to allow gas to flow to the main
b!rner and pilot b!rner& .f the
thermoco!ple becomes cooled
the electric will no longer flow
to the electromagnet which de2
energises and allows the spring
to ret!rn the main gas valve onto
its seating sh!tting off the gas to
both pilot and main b!rner
To test the thermoelectric valve, with
pilot b!rner alight yo! e3ting!ish the
flame by either blowing o!t the pilot
b!rner or by closing off the
appliance isolation valve ) You must
not use the stop button to
extinguish the flame+ $s soon as the
flame is e3ting!ished yo! m!st start
a stop watch and listen for the
a!dible clic when the gas valve
snaps sh!t at which time yo! stop the
stop watch and chec the time that it
has taen is within the limits set o!t
by the man!fact!rer of the appliance
for the valve to sh!t ).f no
man!fact!rers instr!ctions are
available refer to ""51 man!al for
ma3im!m sh!t off times+
$& Thermoco!ple
#& (ilot flame
does not generate
eno!gh heat
c& Dirt !nder the
gas valve seat
allows gas to pass
even when valve
is sh!t
$& Replace
#& "lean and
chec pilot
"& Replace
6 7i1!id
nown as the
vapo!r valve
)always fitted
on ovens)
$ fi3ed pilot
heating a phial that
is filled with li1!id
gas fires
Heat is !sed via a pilot to heat the
phial that is f!ll of li1!id that is
placed in the pilot flame& The li1!id
e3pands into a bellows in the body of
the valve ca!sing it to e3pand& The
bellows is attached to a lever which
in t!rn is attached to a gas valve&
Whilst the heat is applied to the phial
the gas will flow at high rate to the
main b!rner& .f the heat is removed
or the phial loses its li1!id the
bellows will contract ca!sing the gas
valve to close
1& 7ight the b!rner and allow the gas
to come to f!ll rate then immediately
e3ting!ish the b!rner and time for
thirty seconds& ,&Then re2light the
b!rner if the gas is bac at low flame
this has passed the test if the b!rner
goes bac onto high flame repeat
step one if it fails again repeat step
one for a third time maing a
ma3im!m of 89 seconds test& .f this
fails after the third set of thirty
seconds the control may be deemed
as immediately dangero!s and the
!nsafe sit!ations proced!re m!st be
$& The phial
#& the phial
$& replace
entire valve
#& Reposition
: *echanical
(always fitted
with liquid
Heat sensed by
a phial of li1!id
in the oven
Heat is sensed by a phial of li1!id that is
connected to a bellows or diaphragm
within the thermostats main body that is
connected to a lever that in t!rn is
connected to the gas valve& When the
phial is heated the li1!id e3pands and
ca!ses the bellows to e3pand pressing
down the gas valve on to its seating so as
to lower the flame in the oven& When the
gas valve closes a small amo!nt of gas is
allowed to pass to the b!rner to eep it
alight via the bypass&
With the b!rner alight yo! set
the thermostat control to
n!mber five and close the door
and allow 19 min!tes to pass
at which time yo! chec the
b!rner which sho!ld have
gone down to low flame and
not o!t&
$& #ypass becomes
bloced as a res!lt
the b!rner goes o!t
instead of going to
low flame
#& Thermostat
sensing file loses
its li1!id so no
control over
temperat!re is
$& "lean or
replace bypass
#& Replace
; O3ygen
depletion device
also nown as
vitiation or
sensing device
7ac of o3ygen
in room where
appliance is
placed or
e3cessive heat
in appliance
fl!e cased by
Gas fires,
1& O3ygen is sensed by a pilot flame
playing on the tip of a thermoco!ple
When the o3ygen becomes low the pilot
flame lifts off of the b!rner and starts
see o!t more o3ygen, beca!se the flame
is now no longer playing on the
thermoco!ple properly and starts to cool
which event!ally de2energises the
electromagnet in the thermoelectric valve
which snaps sh!t closing off the gas
s!pply to the appliance&
,& %3cessive heat in the appliance fl!e
ca!sed by a blocage is sensed by a
overheat thermostat that is placed in the
primary fl!e& This is connected in to the
thermoco!ples wiring& When too m!ch
heat is sensed the overheat thermostat
c!ts the electrical energy that is going to
the thermoelectric valve which de2
energises the electromagnet in the
thermoelectric valve which snaps sh!t
closing off the gas s!pply to the

$s there is no way to either
e3cl!de all of the o3ygen from
the appliance or bloc the fl!e
)with the exception of over
sink water heaters). The only
thing yo! can chec is
whether the thermoelectric
valve sh!ts off within its
prescribed time limit&
$& 7int arrestor
becomes bloced
#& Thermoco!ple
becomes defective
"& (ilot flame does
not generate
eno!gh heat
$& "lean and
replace lint
#& "lean and
chec pilot
"& Replace
< Flame
The ability for a
flame to cond!ct
#oilers When the b!rner lights the flame acts as a
cond!ctor for the electrical c!rrent to pass
from the detection electrode that is placed in
the flame to the electronics in the appliance&
.f the flame is present the electronics in the
appliance eep the main gas valve open, if the
flame is not present the electronics sh!t down
the appliance immediately maing it safe& .t is
very important when wiring !p appliances
with flame rectification that the polarity is
correct and the appliance is properly earthed
To test the flame rectification device
yo! disconnect the lead from the
flame sensor on the b!rner and then
start the appliance the b!rner sho!ld
light and then go off immediately this
tests whether the device is
f!nctioning correctly& =o! then
reconnect the lead and then chec if
the b!rner lights and remains alight
$& #roen
#& Dirt on
the ignition
$& Replace
#& "lean
8 -olenoid
$n %lectromagnet #oilers,
$n electrical c!rrent is passed aro!nd a fi3ed
magnet by a wire wo!nd aro!nd the magnet
this t!rns it into an electromagnet& This
s!rro!nds a soft iron core that is connected to
the gas valve& When the electromagnet is
energised it p!lls !p the soft iron core which
is attached to the gas valve which in t!rn
opens the valve allowing gas to pass to the
main b!rner& When the electromagnet is de2
energised a spring ret!rns the gas valve onto
its seating so gas is no longer allowed to flow&
#y t!rning the electrical c!rrent on
and off to the solenoid and checing
whether the solenoid opens and
closes the gas valve
$& -olenoid
#& The valve
does not
$& clean the
iron sl!g
#& Replace
the solenoid
valve head
19 %lectrical
Heat sensed by a
phial of li1!id in
the oven cavity
operating electric
Heat is sensed by a phial of li1!id that is
connected to a bellows or diaphragm that is
connected to two contacts one of which is fed
with live c!rrent& When the appliance is cold
the contacts are allowed to to!ch and power is
s!pplied to a solenoid valve which is
energised allowing gas to pass to the main
b!rner which heat !p the appliance& $s the
appliance heats !p the li1!id in the sensing
phial starts to e3pand which then maes the
bellows e3pand p!shing apart the contacts
which breas the flow of electricity to the
solenoid which closes the gas valve sh!tting
down the main b!rner& $s the appliance cools
the bellows contract closing the contacts and
the cycle starts again
=o! test the thermostat by setting the
temperat!re to the desired level and
checing whether the contacts mae
or brea
$& The phial
#& the phial
"& the
contacts may
$& replace
entire valve
"& replace
entire valve
Relay valve Gas
#oilers Gas enters an inlet and passes !nder a gas valve to
a diaphragm )the diaphragm is attached to the gas
valve+& The diaphragm has tiny hole in it which
allows the press!re !nder the diaphragm to pass&
On top of the relay is a t!be which allows the gas
to pass to the b!rner and be b!rnt off& Whilst the
press!re on top of the diaphragm is less than
below the diaphragm it will lift allowing gas to
the main b!rner& .f the press!re is made the same
by closing the weep line the press!re will e1!alise
above and below the diaphragm and the valve will
close d!e to the weight of the valve overcoming
the gas press!re below the diaphragm This is
controlled by a mechanical thermostat&
#y t!rning the
thermostat !p and
down and checing if
the main b!rner t!rns
on and off
$& Weep line
#& Weep line
.f f!nctioning correctly the
appliance is deemed to be not
to c!rrent standard& .f the
appliance is not f!nctioning
correctly the appliance is
deemed to be immediately
dangero!s and m!st be
5o repairs are permitted
Governor Gas
#oilers Gas passes from they inlet !nder a chamfered
valve to the !nderside of a diaphragm& The
press!re ca!ses the diaphragm to lift, ca!sing
thebe gas valve to be p!lled !p against the valve
seating& #y closing this opening the gas press!re
is decreased on the !nderside of the diaphragm
ca!sing the gas valve to drop, opening the space
between the valve and the valve seating& The
process is repeated ca!sing the press!re to remain
#y checing that the
b!rner press!re at the
appliance is correct as
to man!fact!rers
$& The
leas ca!sing
#& The valve
stics on its
$& Replace the diaphragm
#& "lean the valve seating
#oilers $s per thermo electric valve, governor, solenoid
valve and mechanical thermostat
$s per testing for
each control listed
$s per defects
$s per remedies listed
>ero press!re
ca!sed by a
#oilers $ fan draws air thro!gh a vent!re which is
mo!nted on the side of the fan ho!sing& This
creates s!ction on the o!tlet of the gas valve that
is attached to the vent!ri& When the gas valve is
energised, gas is drawn o!t of the gas valve by the
s!ction from the fan& With a gas valve the gas
flow is proportional to the s!ction generated by
the fan& This means that the gas valve can be
ad4!sted so it is inherently safe& This ad4!stment is
called the offset ad4!stment& With a ?ero press!re
governor if there is no air flow there will be no
flow of gas&
With the aid of a fl!e
gas analyser
$& .ncorrect
ad4!stment of
the offset
#& .ncorrect
ad4!stment of
the throttle
"& Failed
$& $d4!st offset !sing fl!e gas
#& $d4!st throttle !sing fl!e
gas analyser
"& Replaced failed component

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