Chrishartpress June26 2014 Final

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!"one: #$%&''(&')'*

NANTUCKET, MA (June 26, 2014) Members of the Nantu!et Commun"t# are
or$"a%%# "n&"te$ to a s'e"a% 'ro(ram at the Nantu!et )h"'*re! + ,"fesa&"n( Museum on
Mon$a# e&en"n(, June -0 at 6.00'm/ The E(an Mar"t"me 0nst"tute, "n oo'erat"on *"th the
Nantu!et 1%#"n( Asso"at"on (N1A,) "s $e%"(hte$ to *e%ome the 2onorab%e Chr"sto'her A/ 2art,
At"n( Cha"rman of the Nat"ona% Trans'ortat"on )afet# 3oar$ (NT)3)/ The NT)3 "s an
"n$e'en$ent U/)/ (o&ernment "n&est"(at"&e a(en# res'ons"b%e for "&"% trans'ortat"on a"$ent
"n&est"(at"ons "n%u$"n( a&"at"on a"$ents an$ "n"$ents, sh"' an$ mar"ne a"$ents, erta"n t#'es
of h"(h*a# rashes, '"'e%"ne "n"$ents an$ ra"%roa$ a"$ents/
4hen re5ueste$, the NT)3 *"%% a%so ass"st m"%"tar# an$ fore"(n (o&ernments *"th a"$ent
"n&est"(at"ons, as *as $one for the m"ss"n( Ma%a#s"a A"r%"nes a"rraft/ Most reent%#, Mr/ 2art
s'o!e for the NT)3 to the nat"ona% me$"a re(ar$"n( the NT)3 re'ort an$ on%us"ons on the
As"ana rash at )an 1ran"so 0nternat"ona% A"r'ort/
At th"s E(an Mar"t"me 0nst"tute6s e&ent, Mr/ 2art *"%% ("&e the au$"ene an o&er&"e* of the
NT)36s format"on, h"stor# an$ *"$e7ran("n( res'ons"b"%"t"es, a%on( *"th a $eta"%e$ %oo! at se&era%
a"$ent "n&est"(at"ons "n *h"h the# ha&e 'art""'ate$/ The au$"ene *"%% ha&e an o''ortun"t# to
as! Mr/ 2art 5uest"ons/ 4e are onf"$ent that *"th the man# fas"nat"n( "n"$ents that ha&e
ourre$ "n both the mar"ne an$ a&"at"on "n$ustr"es, there *"%% be muh to ta%! about an$ %earn/
Ear%"er "n the $a#, Mr/ 2art *"%% &"s"t the N1A6s annua% #outh a&"at"on am', 8The )!#6s
the ,"m"t9, *here he *"%% a%so s'ea! to the am'ers about the NT)3 an$ the future for #oun(
'eo'%e "n the man# faets of a&"at"on/
Th"s e&ent "s free an$ o'en to the 'ub%"/ :%ease see the en%ose$ C; of the 2onorab%e
Chr"sto'her 2art/ 4e %oo! for*ar$ to (reet"n( #ou on Mon$a#, June -0
for th"s s'e"a% e&en"n(/
N<TE. The Nantu!et )h"'*re! + ,"fesa&"n( Museum "s %oate$ at 1=> :o%'"s ?oa$ *"th
'ar!"n( a$@aent to the bu"%$"n(/

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