Leadership Introduction

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Leadership introduction.

Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and
support of others in the accomplishment of a common task".
For example, some understand a leader simply
as somebody whom people follow, or as somebody who guides or directs others, while others define
leadership as "organizing a group of people to achiee a common goal".
!tudies of leadership hae produced theories inoling traits, situational interaction, function, behaior,
power, ision and alues, charisma, and intelligence, among others.
"ifference between #eader and $oss, key Difference: #eaders are people that are responsible for inspiring,
guiding and leading a group of people on a path for a common cause. % boss is a person who is in charge of
the work place.
% leader and a boss can be the same thing or two different things depending on the &ualities that a person has.
% leader could be the boss or a boss could be a leader, while it could be the complete opposite where a leader
is not a boss, nor is a boss a leader. 'ot all bosses are leaders, but they both play an important role in our
% boss could be a leader and could inspire his people, while taking actie suggestions. (n short, the happier
his employees are, the more productie they are, resulting in more benefit for the company. )oweer, bosses
are known to always promote fear, while leaders are known to inspire and lead. % leader is belieed to
encourage by creating the footsteps to follow, howeer bosses demand the people work under them and
pushes them to work harder. $osses often *ust gie orders, while leaders lead by example. % leader is
considered to be more effectie compared to a boss, as they are more productie compared to *ust following

+he most successful is a mix of both a leader and a boss, while sometimes only authority does the trick, it is
best to ensure that the bosses beliee in their employees and lead them by inspiring them. % leader,s authority
and power are in the hands of the people, while the boss, authority is not.
"ifferences as listed by management books-
Leader Boss
(nspires employees "ries employees
"epends on respect and honor "epends on authority
.ares for your well/being .ares for your productiity leel
!ays 01e, !ays 0(,
(nspires enthusiasm (nspires fear
2ies credit +akes credit
!ays 0#et,s go, !ays 02o,
%sks 3rders
4nows how it is done !hows how it is done

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