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Simple Past or Past Perfect?

The two tenses are usually found in the same sentence when we need to talk
about two actions that happened in the past and one of them took place
before the other. The action that happened first must be in past perfect, while
the second action in row must be in simple past.
Example: I had already finished my homework when the lights went out.
I finished homework the lights went out

Fill in using the right tense:
1. When you.(call last ni!ht, ".
. (already# !o to bed.
$. "..(be really thirsty because "
(not#drink water since the mornin!.
%. &aria(take her bath when 'ohn
..(ask her to !o out with him.
(. )aul..(not#know who that woman was.
*e.(not#see her before in his life.
+. . you .(arri,e at school when your
mother. (phone to check on you-
.. " (watch this mo,ie yesterday with /ick but "
.also.(watch it two weeks a!o with
1. We all..(sin! 2*appy 3irthday4 after 5inda

.(blow her candles.

Simple Past or Past Perfect?
6. The moon already (appear in the
dark sky when 7lan (start to sin! for 3etty.
8. " .ne,er before (hear that son! until
19. 0he ..(break her wrist twice before
(turn ei!hteen.

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