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TABLE B: Closely view your selected excerpts. Make evaluative interpretations and judgements about each excerpt.

Close Viewing Questions: Excerpt 1: Excerpt 2:

Who is the target audience of
this film?

To what extent is the use of
cinematography vital to our
understanding of the key idea(s)
or issues raised in the film?

How does the role of the
protagonist contribute to the
audiences understanding of the
key idea(s)?

How does the use of sound (both
non-diegetic and diegetic) allow
us to better understand the
issues raised in the film?

To what extent does the style of
the film give the audience a
better understanding of their own
society and the wider world?

How successful is the film in
ensuring that the target audience
gains a better understanding of
themselves and the human

TABLE C: Excerpt one - Analyse the aspects (techniques) used to fulfil directors purpose
These can be visual/verbal features such as cinematography, soundtrack, mis en scene, editing), narrative or thematic.
Use specific and relevant detail to support interpretations and judgements. You may choose to include film stills.
Evaluate convincingly (Merit) and/or perceptively (Excellence) the way the director makes links between the chosen
aspect(s) and the effect on audience and purpose. Look at the selected extracts in the context of the whole film.
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
TABLE C : Excerpt two - Analyse the aspects (techniques) used to fulfil directors purpose
These can be visual/verbal features such as cinematography, soundtrack, mis en scene, editing), narrative or thematic.
Use specific and relevant detail to support interpretations and judgements. You may choose to include film stills.
Evaluate convincingly (Merit) and/or perceptively (Excellence) the way the director makes links between the chosen
aspect(s) and the effect on audience and purpose. Look at the selected extracts in the context of the whole film.
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
Aspect / Film Still

Description of Aspect Purpose & Effect / Context to whole film
TABLE D: Text Comparison - Compare the notes and observations you have made about each excerpt.
Identify similar (or dissimilar) aspects and suggest reasons for this commonality/difference.
Consider the aspects in relation to each excerpts purpose and targeted audience and evaluate their effectiveness.
Are these aspects used elsewhere in the film? Were these aspects effective?
Compare convincingly and/or perceptively the use of an aspect across extracts/films.
Excerpt 1:

Excerpt 2: Critical Interpretation and Judgement
Excerpt 1:

Excerpt 2:

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