Process Paragraph

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Daleisha N.

Milln Garca
INGL 3201-L03
Process Paragraph
June 13, 2014
How to Write an Good Paragraph
Writing an Exemplification Paragraph has four distinct phases. The first one is invention,
in which has a lot of techniques, including free writing, mapping and outlining. In this stage, it is
very important that the writer doesnt edit, but let the ideas flow and get them down in a paper.
In our daily conversations, we always provide some examples that are, details and specific
instances to explain statements that we make in our lives. The second stage is making the first
draft where the ideas start to make shape. Some writers use a sentence outline on this stage,
because they want to know if its to narrow or it need to add information. If you dont know if
your ideas has unity start asking question and read carefully the examples that you put to
support your statements. The third stage is when all the statement and supporting details are
down on the first draft. Here, ideas and structure are refined and your work has unity. Finally, the
fourth stage is editing where you should take care that all sentences are structure and the
punctuation is correct. Also you should ask yourself about the coherence of your work. The
Exemplification Paragraph it is easier to write the one special quality that has a person you know
very well. All these stages have a process where we have to decide where you want your
paragraph to be informative, persuasive, or entertaining to de readers.

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