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Physics Quiz 1

1. A liquid flowing through a horizontal pipe shows the following relationship


is the rate of volume of liquid flow,

K is a dimensionless constant,
is the coefficient difference between both ends of the pipe,
is the pressure difference between both ends of the pipe
is the length of the pipe
is the radius of the pipe

Determine the values of x,y and z by dimensional analysis and rewrite the actual formula.

2. The following readings are obtained by a student to determine the density of the metal of a

Length of cylinder = ( 20.0 0.1 ) cm
Diameter of cylinder = (18.0 0.1) mm
Mass of cylinder = (513 1) g

Calculate the density of the metal,stating the uncertainty in the calculated value

3. A bullet was fired vertically in the air from the top of a building and reached a height of
1600m. Then it falls to the ground below. The total time of flight is 38.0 s.

a) What was the speed at which the bullet leaves the gun?
b) From what height above the ground was the bullet fired?
c) What was the speed of the bullet when it hits the ground

4. A car was travelling at 13 ms
towards the traffic lights. When the driver sees the lights
change to red, the car is at the distance of 25m from the stop line, The reaction time of the
driver is 0.7 s and the condition of the road does not permit the car to decelerate greater
than 4.5 ms
. With the brake fully applied, how far from the stop line is the car when its

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