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Lung Failure

Short Term Effects of Smoking

Increased blood pressure
Increased heart rate
Narrowing of the arteries
Reduced amount of oxygen the blood
can carry
Carbon monoxide levels in the blood
Creates an imbalance in the demand
for oxygen by the cells
Long Term Effects of Smoking
Lung diseases
Heart disease
Cardiovascular diseases
Osteoporosis and weakened bones
Circulatory problems
Premature aging
Damage to the fetus
Low sperm count and impotence
Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
Decreased lung function
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Short Term Effects of Alcohol

feeling relaxed and less inhibited
reduced concentration
slurred speech and blurred vision
affected coordination and judgment
aggressive behavior
the risk of accidents when operating cars or other
machinery is increased
the effect of alcohol and other drugs combined is
unpredictable mixing drugs can greatly increase
the effect of all the drugs taken

Long Term Effects of Alcohol

physical problems such as liver damage, heart and blood disorders, brain
damage, stomach inflammation, damage to reproductive organs
emotional problems such as depression or relationship and family problems
social problems such as poor work performance, financial troubles, and legal
heavy drinking causes hangovers with symptoms such as headaches, vomiting,
irritability, shakiness, and nausea
alcohol during pregnancy can harm the baby it has been linked with increased
risk of miscarriage, low birth weight, stillbirth, premature birth
increased risk of common cancers such as breast, colon and rectum cancers, and
some of the rarer cancers such as oral, oesophagus, larynx, and stomach
binge drinking can dramatically increase blood pressure and the risk of having a

MA 106
Josephine S. Felizarta
Mary Rose A. Biol
Federico A. Celestial

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