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Anna Peduzzis Many Uses Cake Mix

In large bowl sift together flour, sugar,
baking powder and salt. Mix well. Cut in
shortening/butter until evenly
distributed. Put in zip lock bags and
store in refrigerator. Use within 10
weeks. Use with various cakes below:

8 cups flour
6 cups of sugar
cup baking powder
1 tea. Salt
2 cup mix of half
butter and half shortening
Cinnamon Nut Bundt Cake:
3 cups basic cake mix.
1 (4 oz) pkg. instant vanilla pudding
1 cup milk
4 eggs

Nut Filling: Vanilla Frosting Glaze
sugar 1 cup sifted powdered sugar
teaspoon Vanilla teaspoon Vanilla
cup coarsely chopped nuts 1 tablespoons Milk

Preheat oven to 375F Grease and flour a Bundt pan. Prepare nut filling. In large bowl combine BASIC CAKE MIX,
vanilla, pudding, oil and milk. Beat for 4 minutes. Add eggs and beat well. Pour one-third of the cake batter into
pan. Sprinkle with half the nut filling. Add the other third of batter. Sprinkle remaining Nut Filling over top.
BAKE 40-45 minutes. Invert and cool. Frost with Vanilla Frosting.
Cherry Dessert Cake:

3 cups basic cake mix.
2 (21-oz) cans cherry Pie filling
1 cup butter, melted
1 (30oz) pkg. slivered almonds or pecans

Preheat oven to 350F. Pour cherry pie filling into a 13 x 9 pan. Sprinkle BASIC CAKE
MIX on top of pie filling. Drizzle melted butter or margarine over the top of mix. Top
with slivered almonds or pecans. Bake about 45 minutes, until lightly browned. Cool
in pan. Serve with Vanilla ice cream.

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