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Pauls Engineering College

Pauls Nagar, Vanur
Department of Management Studies
First Cycle Test
B!"#! $nternational Business Management SET %
Branc&' MB Ma(. Mar)s' *#
Semester' $$$ Time' " &rs.
ns+er all t&e ,uestions *("-."
1. Define International Business.
2. Distinguish between domestic business and international business.
3. What is ethnocentric approach?
4. Define globalization.
. !ist out the challenges for global business.
". What is regional integration?
P/T 0 B
ns+er all t&e 1uestions 2(.*-34
1. #$ %&plain the internationalization of business? '($
B$ %&plain in detail the international business en)ironment? '($
2. #$ %&plain the dri)ers of globalization? '12$
B$ %&plain briefl* the importance of countr* attracti)eness in the global scenario? '4$
3. #$ Discuss the )arious regional trade blocs? '($
B$ Discuss in detail the +ole of W,- in de)eloping Indian %conom*? '($
... #ll the Best ...
Dr.Pauls Engineering College
Pauls Nagar, Vanur
Department of Management Studies
First Cycle Test
B!"#! $nternational Business Management SET % B
Branc&' MB Ma(. Mar)s' *#
Semester' $$$ Time' " &rs.
ns+er all t&e ,uestions *("-."
5rite s&ort notes on t&e follo+ing'
1. W,-
2. ,ransnational compan*
3. International Business
4. /eocentric #pproach
. 0romotion of global business
". Difference between /#,, 1 W,-.
P/T 0 B
ns+er all t&e 1uestions 2(.*-34
1. #$ %&plain 2III 1 I3 rounds of /#,,? '($
B$ %&plain in detail the theories of international in)estments? '($
2. #$ %&plain the basis of international trade with the help international trade theories?
B$ Discuss the t*pes of +egional trade blocs with e&ample? '4$
3. #$ +ole of W,- in international trade? '12$
B$ Discuss the ad)antages and disad)antages of regional trade blocs? '4$
... #ll the Best ...

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