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Woody Weeds on Yakamia Creek to be

Local environmental group, Albany Community
Environment Centre (ACEC) have obtained State
Natural Resource Management funding to support
further weed control and restoration works along a
new section of Yakamia Creek adjacent to the
school. ACEC is working with the City of Albany,
Friends of Yakamia Creek members and other
community groups to implement the project.
The next big step is to organise contractors to
come in and remove the larger woody weed species, including the Sydney
Golden Wattles and Taylorina, the two dominant woody weeds present. The
work is being scheduled for the first week of the July school holidays so as not
to disrupt school activities. Please note that this initial removal of the woody
weeds will likely have a significant initial visual impact, opening up the views
along this upper section of the creek. However, revegetation works with
suitable local native species are planned for later this year and 2015. We hope
to see the school community involved in some of the future educational and
planting activities along the creek.
The Friends of Yakamia Creek also meet down at the creek every month to
progress the works. We do weeding and planting and learn more about the
creek. Please join us on the second Sunday of the month at 9.30am at the foot
bridge on Barnesby Drive.
If you have any questions about weed removal works or joining the Friends of
Yakamia Creek please call Karen McKeough from the ACEC on 0435 056 340.

From the Principals Desk
ia P
ary School
sletter F
26 June 2014
Principal: Julie Blythe
Deputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Paul Murray
Ph: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350

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