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The Basic Laws of Time

Law One: The Law of Identity No one can exist in two places at the same time. Doing so
will result in a loop trap event, where you'll relive that same historical segment for eternity.

Law Two: The Law of Preservation Time does not like to be changed and will fight against
large changes. But small changes that snowball down the timeline often goes unnoticed.

Law Three: The Law of the Time Barrier Contrary to what you may believe, the future is
not infinite. Travel beyond the year 7192 AD is impossible as the future has not been written.

Law Four: The Law of Death For time travelers, when you die, you're dead. You cannot
alter your own historical destiny, although you can alter others. That's just the nature of those
who travel the continuum.

Time Corps Regulations

Regulation 1: No Time Corps agent shall ever needlessly or recklessly take human or
friendly alien life.

Regulation 2: Renegades and Demoreans must be rendered ineffective. If possible,
renegades should be captured and brought to the Corp's Prison Parallel when appropriate.
Demoreans should be destroyed.

Regulation 3: No agent shall ever undertake any time travel without Corps permission.

Regulation 4: No agent shall ever leave any device, weapon, or item in a time that it did not
originate. Nor shall that agent cause any such item to be left.

Regulation 5: No agent shall ever willingly or by carelessness reveal the existence of the
Time Corps, the reality of time travel, or any other data, information, or idea which does not
belong in the time period at hand.

Regulation 6: No agent shall ever attempt to discover or reveal the ancestry of another

Regulation 7: Renegade equipment must be destroyed. Agents on a mission may use such
equipment in an emergency, but the equipment must be destroyed after such use. All use of
renegade equipment must be reported to the Corps upon completion of a mission.

Regulation 8: Agents may not return from a mission unless they have completed it or are
forced to abort it. The same team of agents will never be sent back to repair or complete a
mission due to the danger of the Law of Identity.

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