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It allows Reserves personnel to apply Please insert the RAOL post If no RAOL post reference
for posts advertised on the Reserve reference number below: number supplied then this REPP
Assignments Opportunities List will be treated as a generic
(RAOL) with Mobilised terms and notification of an expression of
conditions of service (Mob TCoS) interest for full time service
It allows Reserves personnel to Receipt of this form will be Reservists should be aware that
express interest in future acknowledged and your details most opportunities are
mobilisation opportunities will be held for future advertised on the RAOL and
No guarantee of employment etc

No Rank Initials Name Regt Date of Birth Home Address

Telephone Number (s) Military EMail Internet EMail




If you were not selected for this assignment, would you be willing to serve elsewhere?
Please indicate your geographic/ employment preferences in priority order.

Availability dates? Eg Must give current employers 4 weeks notice.

Please give any additional information that will be relevant to a selection panel. Eg Professional & personal
qualifications, domestic considerations etc.

Signature: Date:

For TA personnel, this box is for completion by CO/ OC . (For Regular Reserve please submit direct to APC)
Please comment on the suitability of the applicant for service with the Regular Army.

Do you support the application?

Name: Signature: Date:

MS Reserves (Rev 09/08)


Reserves Manning Augmentation Cell (RMAC) will hold this form with your information and will contact you if there is an
urgent need for someone with your skills and experience. Please note that we will not automatically run you for posts that are
published on the Reserve Assi . This list is updated every weekend and if you wish to apply for a post on RAOL you should
read the online guide and apply accordingly.

If you have clearly quoted a RAOL reference number then you will be considered

This is not an application form and does not guarantee offer of a commitment, it is an expression of interest and informs MS
Reserves that you are willing to be contacted further with details of posts. There is no obligation as a result of completing this
form – it is for information only.

MS Reserves (Rev 09/08)

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