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RSDIOBJ Directory of all IO's

RSDIOBJT Texts of IO's

RSKYF Key figures
RSDCUBE Directory of Infocubes
RSDDAGGRDIR Directory of aggregates
RSDODSO Directory of all ODS Objects

RSIS Directory of Infosources with Flexible update
RSTS Transfer Structure in SAP BW
ROOSGEN Generated Objects for a Datasource(Tr sructure, for example) in SAP Src sys
RSUPDROUT Update rules List
RSUPDDAT Update rules with routines
RSLDPIO Links datasource to infopackages
RSLDPIOT InfoPackage Text Description
RSPCCHAIN Process chain details
RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements
RSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elements

Refer for Important Tables in SAP BI ( NW2004)

RS_COMSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL (activate transformation rule)/Activate all inactive communication structures
RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL (activate transferstructures)
RSDG_IOBJ_ACTIVATE - Activation of InfoObjects
RSDG_CUBE_ACTIVATE - To activate Multi-Cubes (with various selections to selects one ore more cubes)

RSDG_ODSO_ACTIVATE -- To Activate ODS in background.
RSAU_UPDR_REACTIVATE_ALL- Activation of Updaterules
SAP_AGGREGATES_ACTIVATE_FILL: activate and fill the aggregates of an infoCube.

Refer for Useful ABAP Programs & Function Modules in SAP BI

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