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1. Did you know that the world population in the year 1750 was 800 million people?

2. Did you know that the deepest lake on Earth is lake Baikal in Siberia?
3. Did you know that the average number of earthquakes each year is 3 million?
4. Did you know that every day is longer than the previous day?
5. Did you know that the Mount Everest grows 4 mm each year?
6. Did you know that the tides (high tide and low Tide) are caused by the gravitational
interaction between Earth and the Moon?
7. Did you know that Earth once rotated around its axis in 21 hours?
8. Did you know that the sea level used to be 100 meters higher than it is today?
9. Did you know that on the Polar Circle the sun doesn't set one day a year?
10. Did you know that the Greenland ice sheet has an average thickness of 2.2 km (1.4
11. Did you know that about 750 million years ago the earth was probably completely
covered with snow and ice?
12. Did you know that the yellow river in China is named after the sludge it carries?
13. Did you know that hot water freezes faster than cold water?
14. Did you know that water with a temperature below 0 degrees celcius (32 Fahernheit) is
not always frozen?
15. Did you know that only 20% of the Sahara is sand? In contrast to wat many people think,
sand is not the major part of the Sahara. 80% of the Sahara is rocks.
16. Did you know that the Sahara is the largest dessert on Earth?
17. Did you know that the largest sea on Earth is the Pasific Ocean?
18. Did you know that permafrost (permanent frost) is a layer that never thaws out
19. Did you know that the volume of freshwater on Earth is only 2.5% of the total quantity of
water (freshwater + seawater)
20. Did you know that all world seas together contain a volume of 1.365 billion cubic km
21. Did you know that Vatican City is the country with the least number of inhabitants?
Vatican City has 824 inhabitants.
22. Did you know that China is the county with the most inhabitants?
23. Did you know that the smallest country in the world is Vatican City?
24. Did you know that the largest cut diamond on Earth is 546 Carats?
25. Did you know that the highest wave ever recorded at sea, was 64 meters (200 ft.) above
sea level?
26. Did you know that in the 5th century there was a tribe called the Vandals?
27. Did you know that there is no animal or vegetable life in the Dead Sea?
28. Did you know that China is the county with the most inhabitants?
29. Did you know that the total land area of the earth's surface is estimated at 148,647,000 sq
km? This is about 29.1% of the total surface area of Earth.
30. Did you know that there are 24 time zones around the world?
31. Did you know that there are certain countries or regions that have descriptive names not
really indicative of them, such as Greenland and Dead Sea?
32. Did you know that the seasons around the world change owing to earth's orbital
33. Did you know that there are 10 countries in the world that are known by separate English
34. Did you know that the average rate of lightings on a global scale is 100 per second?
35. Did you know that the estimated amount of snow crystals that drop from skies every year
all over the world is 1 septillion?
36. Did you know that China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos are the only countries
where Communism is still active?
37. Did you know that there are 10 places in the world that are known for their distance from
habitable locations such as Badlands in USA and Highlands in UK?
38. Did you know that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has 26 member nations?
39. Did you know that Iceland has ranked as the most livable country in 2007 and in the
same year, Sierra Leone ranked as the least livable country?

40. Did you know that France has the maximum overseas dependencies - 16 and Denmark
and the Netherlands have the least 2?

41. Did you know that Bay of Fundy experiences the highest difference in changes in tide?

42. Did you know that the quantity of water used on a daily basis around the world is 400
billion gallons?
43. Did you know that Monaco has the highest population concentration in the world?
44. Did you know that the world has only 3% fresh water?
45. Did you know that Peregrine Falcon has the maximum speeds among birds of the world?

46. Did you know that the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is made up of 12

47. Did you know that the tallest waterfall in the world is the Angel Falls in Venezuela?

48. Did you know that the Persian Gulf is the hottest sea in the world?

49. Did you know that Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the tallest peak in the world
(elevation 29,035 feet)?

50. Did you know that Mariana Trench, the deepest place in the world, is situated in the
Pacific Ocean?

51. Did you know that Antarctica is the driest, tallest, and coldest continent in the world?

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