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Guidelines on


Ministry of Rural Development
Government of India
I. Role and Functions of the DRDA 1
II. Organisational Structure of the DRDAs 4
III. Administrative Costs
I!. Personnel Polic" of the DRDAs #
!. Administration of DRDAs 11
!I. Financial Procedures 1$
!II. Anne%ure 1&
'he District Rural Develo(ment Agenc" )DRDA* has traditionall" been the (rinci(al
organ at the District level to oversee the im(lementation of different anti+(overt"
(rogrammes. Since its ince(tion, the administrative costs of the DRDAs -ere met b" -a" of
setting a(art a share of the allocations for each (rogramme.
.o-ever, of late, the number of the (rogrammes had increased and -hile some of
the (rogrammes (rovided for administrative costs of the DRDAs, others did not. 'here -as
no uniformit" among the different (rogrammes -ith reference to administrative costs.
/ee(ing in vie- the need for an effective agenc" at the district level to coordinate the anti+
(overt" effort, a ne- Centrall" S(onsored Scheme for strengthening the DRDAs has been
introduced -ith effect from 1st A(ril 1###. Accordingl", the administrative costs are met b"
(roviding se(arate budget (rovisions. 'his scheme -hich is funded on a 01231 basis
bet-een Centre and States, aims at strengthening and (rofessional sing the DRDAs.'he
funding ratio in res(ect of 45 States has been revised to #6216 -ith effect from the financial
"ear 366+366#.

I + RO75 A4D F84C'IO4S OF '.5 DIS'RIC'
1.1 If effective (rogramme design is critical to successful im(lementationof rural
develo(ment (rogrammes, so is an effective deliver" agenc". 4one of the anti+(overt"
(rogrammes can have im(act unless the" are im(lemented -ith a clarit" of (ur(ose and a
commitment to the tas9. It is here that the DRDAs (la" a critical role. 'he DRDAs are not
the im(lementing agencies, but can be ver" effective in enhancing the :ualit" of
im(lementation through overseeing the im(lementation of different (rogrammes and
ensuring that necessar" lin9ages are (rovided. 'o this e%tent the DRDAs is a su((orting and
a facilitating organisation and needs to (la" a ver" effective role as a catal"st in
develo(ment (rocess.
1.3 'he District Rural Develo(ment Agenc" is visualised as a s(ecialised and a (rofessional
agenc" ca(able of managing the anti+(overt" (rogramms of the ;inistr" of Rural
Develo(ment on the one hand and to effectivel" relate these to the overall effort of (overt"
eradication in the District. In other -ords, -hile the DRDA -ill continue to -atch over the
im(lmention of RD Programme to ensure effective utilisation of the funds intended for anti+
(overt" (rogrammes, it -ill need to develo( a far greater understanding of the (rocesses
necessar" for (overt" alleviation<eradication. It -ill also need to develo( the ca(acit" to
build s"nergies among different agencies involved for the most effective results. It -ill
therefore need to develo( distinctive ca(abilities rather than (erform tas9s that are
legitimatel" in the domain of the PRIs or the line de(artments. 'he role of the DRDA -ill
therefore be distinct from all the other agencies, including the =illa Parishad.
1.$ DRDAs must themselves be more (rofessional and should be able to interact effectivel"
-ith various other agencies. 'he" are e%(ected to coordinate -ith the line de(artments, the
Pancha"ati Ra> Institutions, the ban9s and other financial institutions, the 4?Os as -ell as
the technical institutions, -ith a vie- to gathering the su((ort and resources re:uired for
(overt" reduction effort in the district. It shall be their endeavour and ob>ective to secure
inter+sectoral and inter+de(artmental coordination and coor(eration for reducing (overt" in
the district. It is their abilit" to coordinate and bring about a convergence of a((roach
among different agencies for (overt" alleviation that -ould set them a(art.
1.4 'he DRDAs are e%(ected to coordinate effectivel" -ith the Pancha"ati Ra> Institutions.
8nder no circumstances -ill the" (erform the functions of PRIs. 1.1 'he DRDAs -ill
maintain their se(arate identit" but -ill function under the chairmanshi( of the Chairman of
the =illa Parishad. 'he" are e%(ected to be a facilitating and su((orting organisation to the
=illa Parishad, (roviding necessar" e%ecutive and technical su((ort in res(ect of (overt"
reduction efforts. @herever the =illa Parishads are not in e%istence or are not functional,
the DRDAs -ould function under the Collector<District ;agistrate<De(ut" Commissioner,
as the case ma" be.
1.& 'he DRDAs are e%(ected to oversee the im(lementation of different anti+(overt"
(rogrammes of the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment in the district. 'his is not to be confused
-ith actual im(lementation, -hich -ill be b" the Pancha"ati Ra> and other Institutions. 'he
DRDAs -ill monitor closel" the im(lementation through obtaining of (eriodic re(orts as
-ell as fre:uent field visits. 'he (ur(ose of the visit should be to facilitate the im(lementing
agencies in im(roving im(lementation (rocess, besides ensuring that the :ualit" of
im(lementation of (rogrammes is high. 'his -ould include over+seeing -hether the
intended beneficiaries are receiving the benefits under the different (rogrammes.
1.0 'he DRDAs shall 9ee( the =illa Parishad, the State and the Central ?overnment dul"
informed of the (rogress of the im(lementation of the (rogrammes through (eriodic
re(orts in the (rescribed formats. S(ecial re(ort, as and -hen called for, shall be (rovided.
1. It shall be the dut" of the DRDAs to oversee and ensure that the benefits s(ecificall"
earmar9ed for certain target grou(s )SC<S', -omen and disabled* reach them. 'he" shall
ta9e all necessar" ste(s to achieve the (rescribed norms.
1.# 'he DRDAs shall ta9e necessar" ste( to im(rove the a-areness regarding rural
develo(ment and (overt" alleviation (articularl" among the rural (oor. 'his -ould involve
issues of (overt", the o((ortunities available to the rural (oor and generall" infusing a
sense of confidence in their abilit" to overcome (overt". It -ould also involve sensitising the
different functionaries in the district to the different as(ects of (overt" and (overt"
alleviation (rogrammes.

1.16 'he DRDAs -ill strive to (romote trans(arenc" in the im(lementation of different anti+
(overt" (rogrammes. 'o-ards this end, the" shall (ublish (eriodicall", the details of the
different (rogrammes and their im(lementation.
1.11 /ee(ing in vie-, the substantial investment that are being made in (overt" alleviation
(rogrammes, the DRDAs shall ensure financial disci(line in res(ect of the funds received b"
them, -hether from Central or State ?overnments. 'he" shall also ensure that the accounts
are (ro(erl" maintained including in res(ect of the funds allocated to ban9s or
im(lementing agencies in accordance -ith the guidelines of different (rogrammes.
1.13 'hus the role of the DRDA is in terms of (lanning for effective im(lementation of anti+
(overt" (rogrammesA coordinating -ith other agencies+?overnmental, non+?overnmental,
technical and financial for successful (rogramme im(lementationA enabling the communit"
and the rural (oor to (artici(ate in the decision ma9ing (rocess, overseeing the
im(lementation to ensure adherence to guidelines, :ualit", e:uit" and efficienc"A re(orting
to the (rescribed authorities on the im(lementationA and (romoting trans(arenc"
indecision ma9ing and im(lementation.
1.1$ In addition the DRDAs shall coordinate and oversee the conduct of the BP7 Census
and such other surve"s that are re:uired from time to time. 1.14 'he DRDAs shall also
carr" out < aid in carr"ing out action research<or evaluation studies that are initiated b" the
Central<State ?overnments. 1.11 'he DRDAs should deal onl" -ith the anti+(overt"
(rogrammes of the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment. If DRDAs are to be entrusted -ith
(rogrammes of other ministries or those of the State governments, it should be ensured
that these have a definite anti+(overt" focus. 5ntrusting of an" (rogramme to the DRDAs,
other than anti+(overt" (rogrammes of the ;inistr", be it of an" other ;inistr" of
?overnment of India or the res(ective State ?overnment -ill have to be done -ith the
a((roval of the Secretar", Rural Develo(ment of the res(ective State)s*, -ho should
e%amine such re:uest in consultation -ith the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment, ?overnment
of India. In such cases, it must be ensured that ade:uate (rovision is made for re:uisite
staffing needed for (ro(er im(lementation of the (rogramme.

II + OR?A4ISA'IO4A7 S'R8C'8R5 OF '.5 DRDAs
3.1 5ach district -ill have its o-n District Rural Develo(ment Agenc". Ordinaril" it -ould
be a societ" registered under a Societies Registration Act. In res(ect of such states -here
DRDA does not have a se(arate identit" a se(arate cell should be created in =illa Parishad
-hich maintains a se(arate identit" and se(arate accounts, so that the accounts are ca(able
of being audited se(aratel". 'his Cell should be directl" under the charge of C5O or
alternativel" an officer -ho has the :ualifications to be a Pro>ect Director. 'he accounts of
DRDAs should under no circumstances be merged or amalgamated -ith those of the =illa
3.3 In order to be effective, the DRDA must have an a((ro(riate staffing structure as -ell
as suitable (ersonnel (olic". /ee(ing in vie- the role and functions of the DRDA listed in
the (revious cha(ter, the staffing structure of DRDA must include (ositions for Planning for
(overt" alleviation, Pro>ect formulation, Social organisation and Ca(acit" building, ?ender
concerns, 5ngineering su(ervision and Cualit" control, Pro>ect monitoring, Accountanc" and
Audit functions as -ell as 5valuation and Im(act studies. An indicative staffing structure is
given in Anne%ure and is also detailed belo-. 'he State ?overnment ma" modif" the
structure suitabl", but -ithout altering the basic design, to ta9e care of the needs of
individual districts 9ee(ing in vie- their siDe as -ell as s(ecificit". .o-ever, this -ill also be
sub>ect to the overall ceiling of administrative costs admissible to the DR DAs in the State.
B" and large the staff a((ointed should be dedicated to DRDA+related -or9s and
should not be fre:uentl" transferred.
'he Staffing structure -ill be as follo-s 2
i* 5ach DRDA should be headed b" a Pro>ect Director, -ho should be of the ran9 of an
Additional District ;agistrate. 'he Pro>ect Director should (referabl" be a senior scale
officer of the All India Services or a senior officer of the State Service, eligible for
a((ointment to the All India Services. .e -ould be in overall charge of the activities of the
DRDA and res(onsible for interaction -ith the District<State administration as -ell as -ith
the ?overnment of India. 'he PD should be e%clusivel" for the DRDA -or9.

ii* In some States, such as ;aharashtra, the C5O of the =illa Parishad is the Chairman of the
=illa Parishad. ?overnment of India have suggested to all the State government that the
chairman, =illa Parishad should be the chairman of the governing bod" of the DRDA. In the
light of this, in such states, the C 5O of the =illa (arishad could also be designated as the
Pro>ect Director of the DRDA.
iii* 5ach DRDA should have the follo-ing -ings 2
a * Self+em(lo"ment @ingA
b* @omenEs @ingA
c * @age em(lo"ment @ingA
d* 5ngineering @ing
e * Accounts @ingA
f* ;onitoring and 5valuation @ingA and
g* ?eneral Administration @ing
i* 'he self+em(lo"ment @ing, shall be headed b" a Pro>ect Officer and should have APOs in
the field of (lanning, social mobilisation, credit and 'echnolog". 'he Pro>ect officer ma" be
s(ecificall" res(onsible for an" of these four functions. 'he APO )Planning* -ould loo9 after
the activit" clusters, district<bloc9<village grou( (lans, guiding the BDOs and others in (lan
(re(aration, (lanning for infrastructure including mar9eting infrastructure. .e -ould
coordinate -ith the district officers, the ban9s as -ell as other institutions in the district.
'he APO )Social ;obilisation* -ould loo9 after grou( formation, ca(acit" building,
monitoring of grou(s, choice of activities for grou(s, release of revolving funds and
coordination. 'he APO )Credit*, -ho should be from the commercial ban9ing sector, -ould
coordinate -ith the ban9s in all matters relating to credit, including the interface bet-een
the ban9ers and the beneficiaries<beneficiar" grou(s, loan disbursements as -ell as loan
recover". 'he APO )'echnolog"* -ould loo9 after issues concerning 'echnolog" u(gradation
as -ell as transfer of technolog".
ii* 'he DRDAs -ould be dra-ing u( (ro>ects for s(ecific activities under the Self+
em(lo"ment (rogrammes. It -ould be necessar" to have suitable e%(erts to oversee the
successful im(lementation of such (ro>ects. As (art of the overall (rogramme management,
the DRDAs ma" ta9e outside e%(erts on a consultanc" basis. Secretar", Rural Develo(ment
of each state should develo( guidelines for selection of consultants so as to avoid an"
-rong use of such (rovisions and to see that onl" those -ho have a (roven (ractical
e%(ertise are engaged. Such e%(erts to be engaged on (ro>ect s(ecific basis -ill function
under the overall control and su(ervision of the Pro>ect Officer, self+em(lo"ment
In order to ensure that -omen receive ade:uate attention in all the anti+(overt"
(rogrammes, a @omenEs Cell should be set u( in each DRDA. 'his Cell -ould establish
necessar" s"nerg" -ith De(artments such as @omen F Child Develo(ment, 5ducation and
health De(artments to ensure that -omen not onl" receive their due share in the anti+
(overt" (rogrammes but are also able to receive benefits of other (rogrammes. 'he
@omenEs -ing -ill be headed b" an Asst. Pro>ect officer, -ho -ill function under the overall
co+ordination of the Pro>ect Officer of the self em(lo"ment -ing.
'he Central concern of the DRDA in the -age+em(lo"ment (rogrammes should relate to
(lanning, monitoring and vigilance b" a technical -ing. 'he DRDA should not concern itself
-ith the actual im(lementation and e%ecution of -or9s -hich can be done b" the line
de(artment<engineers or the Pancha"ati Ra> Institutions. At the same time, the magnitude
of the -age em(lo"ment -ing, -ith a Pro>ect officer assisted b" a small com(lement of
A @atershed @ing -ill be set u( in the DRDA in all such districts -here I@DP<DPAP<DDP is
in o(eration. 'his -ing should consist of a Pro>ect Officer, assisted b" a small com(lement of
staff. 'his staff -ould be inde(endent of the (rogramme su((ort in the form of PIAs or
@atershed committees.
5ach DRDA should have a technical -ing, -hich should also be res(onsible for innovations
in design or use of materials, as -ell as training of the engineering (ersonnel of the line
de(artments or the PRIs. 'his -ing should be manned b" an 5%ecutive 5ngineer assisted b"
one or t-o Assistant<Gunior 5ngineers.
i* @herever it has not been done, the DRDAs should shift over to commercial accounting
s"stems from the e%isting government account s"stem. 'he" should (ublish an annual
re(ort along-ith the balance sheet. 'he accounts -ing of the DRDA should be headed b"
a Sr. Accounts Officer, either on de(utation or b" engaging the services of a chartered
accountant. .e should be su((orted b" an Accounts Officer each for self+em(lo"ment
(rogrammes and -age em(lo"ment (rogrammes dul" assisted b" accountants. @herever
the @atershed (rogrammes )I@DP<DPAP<DDP* are under im(lementation, an additional
(ost of Accounts Officer ma" b" sanctioned. For Indira A-aas Ho>ana, one Accoutant at the
district level should be available to monitor the (rogress of the (rogramme and the
ii* One of the Accounts Officers should (erform the role of internal audit.
'here should be a se(arate ;onitoring and 5valuation -ing headed b" a Pro>ect 5conomist
and functioning directl" under the su(ervision of the Pro>ect Director. A(art from
monitoring the (rogress of all the (rogrammes, this -ing should also carr" out
evaluation<im(act studies regularl" b" inde(endent institutions<e%(erts including 4?Os.
'he cost of such studies -ill be met from the res(ective (rogramme funds. 'his -ing should
also monitor issues relevant to (overt" in the district.

$.1 Administrative costs -ere earlier admissible under different (rogrammes. In order to
enable the DRDAs to develo( a (ro(er (ersonnel structure and to ensure its (ro(er gro-th
over "ears, the (ractice of meeting the administrative costs as (ercentages of each
(rogramme allocation has been given u(. It -ill, on the other hand, be ta9en u( as a ne-
scheme called IDRDA AdministrationE -ith effect from 1st A(ril, 1###. 'his scheme -ill
be funded on a 01231 b" the central and state government. 'he funding ratio in res(ect of
45 States has been revised to #6216 -ith effect from the financial "ear 366+366#.
$.3 'ill $1.$.1###, administrative costs of the DRDAs -ere being met b" -a" of
a (art of the (rogramme fund of IRDP, GRH, 5AS, DPAP, etc. @ith the introduction of the
scheme of IDRDA AdministrationE the administrative costs earlier available under different
(rogrammes stand -ithdra-n from 1.4.1### and (rovision of administrative su((ort to the
DRDAs -ill be onl" under the scheme of DRDA Administration.
$.$ Since the salar" structure in different States is different, the States ma" follo- their o-n
salar" structure. .o-ever, the administrative cost ceiling fi%ed should be strictl" adhered to.
An" increase over and above the ceiling should be met entirel" b" the State government.
$.4 A ma%imum of $6J of the salar" cost ma" be allocated to-ards contingencies inclusive
of Rents, PO7 office e%(enses, etc. DRDA ma" hire vehicles in addition to the e%isting
vehicles sub>ect to the overall ceiling of $6J of the salar" cost.
$.1 'he administrative cost (er district is fi%ed as follo-s 2
Categor" A districts )K& bloc9s* Rs. 4& la9h (er "ear
Categor" B districts )&+16 bloc9s* Rs. 10 la9h (er "ear
Categor" C districts )11+11 bloc9s* Rs. &1 la9h (er "ear
Categor" D districts )L11 bloc9s* Rs. &0 la9h (er "ear
$.& 'he above limits -ill be a((licable from the "ear 1###+3666. 'his ceiling -ill be raised
ever" "ear, on a com(ounding basis, u(to 1J to set off the increases due to inflation etc.
$.0 'he state government are allo-ed a sum u(to 16J of the above costs, to be
calculated at 16J of the total admissible cost to all the districts in the state.

I! + P5RSO4457 PO7ICH OF '.5 DRDAs
4.1 Currentl", there is no uniform (olic" for engaging and<or recruiting the staff b" the
DRDA. In man" States, there are staff both directl" recruited as -ell as on de(utation. It is
essential that (rudent (ersonnel (olicies are follo-ed if the DRDA are to be a (rofessional
agenc" or are to (erform the tas9s e%(ected of them. 'he follo-ing (rinci(les are laid do-n
-hich must necessaril" be follo-ed.
4.3 As a matter of (olic", the DRDA should not have an" (ermanent staff. 'a9ing
em(lo"ees on de(utation to the DRDA for s(ecific (eriods has the advantage of better
choice of staff, fle%ibilit" in staffing (attern and of motivating the staff. 'he ob>ective of
strengthening of DRDAs is to (rovide them -ith certain (rofessional ca(acit" and have a
fle%ible+staffing (attern. 'o start -ith, DRDAs shall no longer be allo-ed to ma9e an" direct
recruitment. In res(ect of the Staff that is currentl" borne on the DRDA, the State Rural
Develo(ment De(artment should immediatel" dra- u( a $+1 "ear (lan for absor(tion of the
staff into the line de(artments.
4.$ 'he Pro>ect Directors, Pro>ect Officers, APOs and all technical (osts are to be manned
b" officer -ith (roven ca(abilit" and motivation and are selected in an ob>ective manner b"
s(ecific Selection Committees. 'he Pro>ect Directors should be selected b" a Committee
headed b" the Chief Secretar"< Develo(ment Commissioner<Addl.Chief Secretar" of the
State and -ith the Secretar" )RD* being the member convenor. Similarl", for officers at the
level of APOs and other technical officers, there should be a selection Committee headed
b" Secretar" )RD*. For other staff, too, other than, ministerial and lo-er ran9, the selection
should be b" an a((ro(riate selection Committee. State ?overnments ma" fill u( vacant
sanctioned (osts in ?rou( IAE IBE F ICE as (er their recruitment rules b" hiring technicall"
:ualified and e%(erienced (ersonnel on contract basis. .o-ever, sanctioned (osts should
not e%ceed the suggested staffing (attern for DRDAs as (rescribed in the guidelines. 'he
total emoluments for these (osts ma" not e%ceed the basic (a" and other allo-ances -hich
are (ermissible b" the State ?overnments for that (ost. State ?overnments ma" determine
basic :ualification -hich -ill be re:uired for these (osts and selection to these (osts ma"
be made tem(oraril" b" a Selection Committee headed b" State Secretar" )RD*. Such
hiring of (ersonnel for vacant (osts is not (ermissible in res(ect of (osts

l"ing vacant in ?rou( IDE. State ?overnment ma" be re:uired to contribute their due share
of 31J of emoluments (aid to such (ersonnel and Central ?overnment -ill bear 01J of
such e%(enditure. 'he ratio in res(ect of 45 States has been revised to #6216 -ith effect
from the financial "ear 366+366#. @herever DRDA assesses the need for outsourcing of
(articular assignment, it ma" b" resorted to sub>ect to e%(enditure on this account being
-ithin the
overall limit of $6J of salar" cost. .o-ever, outsourcing of the -or9 being done b" ?rou(
ICE and IDE em(lo"ees is not allo-ed.
4.4 In the selection of Pro>ect Directors and APOs, em(hasis should be on selecting officers
of "oung age. Indicativel", the PDs and APOs should not be more than 46+41 "ears of age,
and in an" case not more than 16 "ears of age.
4.1 7ac9 of sufficient length of tenure to the (ro>ect (ersonnel has been a -orrisome factor
in the im(lementation of the anti+(overt" (rogrammes. In order to avoid this ris9, it is
necessar" to insist on a minimum tenure and also ensure its com(liance. 'he Pro>ect
Directors, APOs and other technical staff must have a minimum tenure of 3+$ "ears and
onl" under e%ce(tional circumstances can the" be shifted that too after recording the
s(ecific reasons in -riting. An" violation should mean sus(ension of funds to the concerned
4.& 'he Secretar", Rural Develo(ment of the State should be in overall charge of the
Pro>ect Directors of DRDAs. 'o start -ith, after selection the (osting orders of Pro>ect
Directors )the (ro>ect officers, APOs* should be issued b" the Secretar", Rural Develo(ment
and not b" an" other de(artment. 'he cadre controlling authorit" of the Pro>ect Directors<
other officers ma" (lace the services of the concerned officers )after selection* at the
dis(osal of the Rural Develo(ment De(artment for a((ointment to the concerned (osts.
'he Secretra", Rural Develo(ment should also be res(onsible for ma9ing interim
arrangements -hen Pro>ect Directors go on long leave. 'he Secretra", Rural Develo(ment
Should activel" associate himself<herself in the training re:uirements of Pro>ect Directors
and other DRDA staff.
4.0 In order to ma9e the DRDA a (rofessional bod", the officials and staff of DRDAs should
be constantl" trained in the general field of management of rural areas and (overt". 'he
(ersonnel to be (osted to the DRDA should be given a (re+service training to orient them
suitabl" to their tas9s. 4. 'here should also be a s"stem of an annual in+service training
-here the officers could be given the u(dates about the relevant fields and -hich -ould
also afford them an o((ortunit" of e%changing their e%(eriences.
4.# Suitable training (rogrammes -ill be designed b" the ;inistr" in consultation -ith
(rofessional institutes of the national im(ortance. 'he State ?overnment ma" also identif"
suitable state+lavel institutions in consultation -ith the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment.

1.1 As indicated, the role of the DRDA is to (erform tas9s -hich are distinctl" different from
other institutions<de(artments. .o-ever, the DRDAs are ver" much a (art of the district.
'he" shall function accordingl".
1.3 'he DRDA shall be a registered societ" registered under a Societies Registration Act or
a distinct cell in the =illa Parishad having a se(arate identit". 'he chairman of the =illa
Parishad shall be the chairman of governing bod" of the DRDA. 'he 5%ecutive and financial
functions shall ho-ever lie -ith C5O, =illa Parishad<District Collector -ho shall be
designated as the Chief 5%ecutive Officer or 5%ecutive Director. It shall be his res(onsibilit"
to ensure that the administration of DRDA and the (rogrammes are conducted in
accordance -ith the guidelines. @herever the =illa Parishads are not in e%istence or are not
functional, the DRDAs -ould function under the Collector<District ;agistrate<De(ut"
Commissioner of the District, as the case ma" be.
1.$ 'he administration of the DRDA shall be carried out b" a governing bod". 'he
?overning Bod" of the DRDA -ill (rovide (olic" directions, a((rove the annual (lan and
also revie- and monitor the im(lementation of the (lan, including the different
(rogrammes. 'he" shall give such directions to the DRDA as ma" be necessar" from time to
time. 'he ?overning Bod" of the DRDA -ill meet once in a :uarter.
1.4 'he com(osition of the governing bod" shall be as follo-s 2
1. Chairman of =illa Parishad + ChairmanA
3. All ;Ps and ;7As and ;7Cs of the DistrictA
$. 1<$rd of Pancha"at Samiti Chair(ersons to be nominated b" rotation
in al(habetical order for a tenure of one "ear, one of -hom must
belong to SC<S' and another a -omanA
4. C5O of =illa Parishad<District Collector + Chief 5%ecutive Officer< 5%ecutive DirectorA
1. .ead of the Central Coo(erative Ban9 of the DistrictA
&. Chairman, Regional Rural Ban9A
0. District 7ead Ban9 OfficerA
. Re(resentative of the Reserve Ban9 of India at district level.
#. 4ABARD re(resentative at district level.
16. ?eneral ;anager, DICA
11. Re(resentative of /!IBA
13. District Officer, in charge of Scheduled Castes<Scheduled 'ribes @elfareA
1$. District @omen F Child @elfare officerA
14. Distric officer dealing -ith -elfare of the disabledA
11. One re(resentative from technical institutionsA
1&. '-o re(resentatives of 4?OsA
10. '-o re(resentatives of the -ea9er sections, one of -hom ma" be
dra-n from SCs and S'sA
1. One re(resentative of rural -omenA
1#. Pro>ect Director, DRDA + ;ember Secretar"
@herever the =illa Parishads are not in e%istence, the State ?overnments ma" nominate
elected members of the State 7egislature from the concerned districts to act as Chairman of
the ?overning Bodies of the DRDAs.
1.1 All e%ecutive and financial (o-ers of the DRDA shall be e%ercised b" the e%ecutive
committee as (er a scheme of delegation of financial and e%ecutive (o-ers to be
determined b" each State<8' ?overnment and this Committee -ill be full" accountable in
all matters of DRDA to the governing bod" as -ell as to the ?overnment. 'he 5%ecutive
Committee of DRDA shall be headed b" the Chief 5%ecutive Officer<5%ecutive Director and
shall consist of all the District level officers and an" other officer deemed necessar" for
(lanning and im(lementation of the anti+(overt" (rogrammes. 'he Pro>ect Director DRDA
-ill be the ;ember+Secretar" of the 5 C. 'he 5%ecutive Committee -ill meet at least once in
a month.

&.1 'he scheme of IDRDA AdministrationE shall be a centrall" s(onsored scheme. 'he funds
re:uired under this (rogramme shall be shared bet-een the Centre and the States in the
ratio of 01231 Funds -ill be released directl" to the DRDAs, in accordance -ith the
guidelines under this (rogramme. 'he funding ratio in res(ect of 45 States has been revised
to #6216 -ith effect from the financial "ear 366+366#.
&.3 'he Centre -ill release funds in t-o instalments.
i* 'he release of first instalment can be made -ithout an" formal re:uest if the second
instalment in the (revious "ear had been released -ithout an" condition. If latter instalment
-as not released at all or -as released -ith some conditions, formal re:uests for release of
first instalment are re:uired from the DRDAs after the conditions have been
fulfilled<reasons for non+release of the second instalment have been met. For the first "ear
i.e.<1###+3666 all the DRDAs -ill be released first instalment on an adhoc basis.
ii* 'he release of the first instalment should ordinaril" be com(leted b" the end of the
second month of the financial "ear.
i* 'he :uantum of the second instalment shall be sub>ect to actual re:uirement -ithin the
overall ceiling. 'he second instalment of Central funds shall be released on the re:uest of
the DRDAs in the (rescribed (roforma on fulfilment of the follo-ing conditions 2
1* Budget (rovision for the current "ear ma" be indicated b" the State ?overnment. 'he
Central release -ill not e%ceed it (ro(ortionatel".
3* 'he State ?overnment should have released its contribution during the (revious "ear.
Deficienc" in release of its share -ill be deducted from the second instalment. Also the
contribution of the State ?overnment for the first current "ear should have been released.
$* Available funds including carr" for-ard funds should have been utilised at least to &6J

4* 'he o(ening balance of the DRDAs should not e%ceed 16J of the allocation of the "ear in
-hich funds are being released. In case, the o(ening balance e%ceeds this limit, the Central
Share of the amount b" -hich it e%ceeds this limit -ill be deducted at the time of release of
second instalment.
1* Audit re(orts, utilisation certificates for the (revious "ear should be furnished. 'his -ill
not be re:uired in the first "ear i.e., 1###+3666.
&* An" other terms and conditions im(osed at the time of the last release should have been
ii* 'he DRDA shall maintain the fund under the head. IDRDA administrationE, in a se(arate
ban9 account in an" of the nationalised ban9. Interest earned on the funds -ill necessaril"
be used onl" for admissible items of e%(enditure under DRDA administration. 'he" shall not
be used for an" (rogramme funding or non+admissible items of e%(enditure, such as
consutruction of building and (urchase of vechicles.
i* Prini!"#$
Se(arate account shall be maintained of this scheme and each other
scheme under -hich the DRDA receives funds. Such maintenance of accounts is governed
b" the (rinci(les that the e%(enditure incurred is not re(ugnant to the ob>ective of the
scheme and is made, in accordance -ith the (rescribed (rocedures. DRDA accounts are to
be maintained on double entr" s"stem. 'he accounting (rocedure for DR DAs has been
described in detail in the ?overnment of India, ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment Publication
entitled MRevised Accounting Procedure for District Rural Develo(ment Agencies< SocietiesE,
1#4 and subse:uent instructions issued<to be issued from time to time. Internal Audit Cells
should be s(ecificall" charged -ith the res(onsibilit" of overseeing and the observance of
these (rinci(les. One of the Accounts Officers should (erform the role of internal audit.

D* A8DI' OF '.5 ACCO84'S
i* 'he Pro>ect Director should cause the annual accounts of the DRDA to be (re(ared b" a
date not later than $6th Gune com(rising Recei(t and Pa"ment Account, Income and
5%(enditure Account and Balance Sheet. After a((roval b" the ?overning Bod", he shall
have the accounts audited b" the Chartered Accountant or an" other auditor a((ointed for
the (ur(ose. A co(" of such audit re(ort )dul" signed b" auditor* along-ith the annual
statement of accounts certified b" the auditor and the Chairman of the DRDA thereon
should be furnished simultaneousl" to ?overnment of India and the State ?overnment not
later than $6th Se(tember.
ii* 'he Com(troller and Auditor ?eneral )CA?* has the right to conduct the audit of the
accounts of the societ" and for this (ur(ose shall have the right of access to the boo9s of
accounts and other relevant records of the DRDA. For this (ur(ose a co(" of the annual
accounts along -ith the audit re(ort and the comments of the DRDA thereon shall be sent
to the audit office nominated b" CA?.
iii* 'he account of the DRDA shall also be o(en to ins(ection b" such individual or (arties as
are nominated to carr" out such ins(ections b" the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment at the
State level or at the level of the ?overnment of India. All Officers of and above the level of
8nder Secretar" in the ;inistr" of Rural Develo(ment, ?overnment of India and such officer
as ma" be authorised b" the State ?overnment ma" also ins(ect the accounts.
iv* A Statement sho-ing the schedule of Fi%ed Assets held b" the DRDA< Agenc" at the end
of the financial "ear should be sent to the State ?overnment and ?overnement of India -ith
the form (rescribed along-ith the annual statement of accounts. 4o de(reciation should
be charged and value of assets to be sho-n at the original cost in the accounts.
v* All the Agencies should send a utilisation certificate to the ?overnment of India
)De(artment of Rural Develo(ment* in the (rescribed (roforma along-ith annual statement
of accounts. 'he utiliDation certificate must be (re(ared strictl" on the basis of the Recei(ts
and Pa"ment Accounts and o(ening<closing balance in both Recei(ts and Pa"ment Accounts
8tilisation Certificate must also tall".
vi* 'he above (rovisions are in addition to the statutor" re:uirements under relevant la-
under -hich the DR DAs are registered.
Post 4o. of Posts
Categor" A Categor" B Categor" C Categor" D
Pr%&#' M(n()#*#n' NN N N
1 Pro>ect Director < C5O 1 1 1 1
S#"+ E*!"%,*#n' Win)
1 Pro>ect Officer 1 1 1 1
3 APOs 3 3 $ $
$ 'echnical Assistants 3 3 $ $
4 Cler9+cum+'"(ist < '"(ist 3 3 $ $
W%*#n$ Win)
1 APO 1 1 1 1
3 'echnical Assistants 1 1 1 1
$ Cler9+cum+'"(ist<'"(ist 1 1 1 1
W()# E*!"%,*#n' Win)
1 Pro>ect Officer 1 1 1 1
3 'echnical Assistants 1 1 3 3
$ Cler9+cum+'"(ist<'"(ist 1 3 3 3
W('#r$-#. Win)
1 Pro>ect Officer 1 1 1 1
3 'echnical Assistants 1 1 1 1
$ Cler9+cum+'"(ist<'"(ist 1 1 1 1
En)in##rin) Win)
1 5%ecutive 5ngineer 1 1 1 1
3 Assistant 5ngineer 1 3 3 3
$ 'echnical Assistants 1 3 3 3
Fin(n# Win)
1 Senior Accounts Officer 1 1 1
3 Accounts Officer 3 3 3 3
$ Accountant < Account Cler9 $ $ 4 4
4 Cler9+cum+'"(ist<'"(ist 1 3 3 $
M%ni'%rin) Win)
1 Pro>ect 5conomist 1 1 1 1
3 Statistical Investigator < ASO 1 3 3 3
$ Cler9+cum+'"(ist<'"(ist 1 1 1 1
G#n#r(" A.*ini$'r('i%n
1 Su(erintendent<Office ;anager 1 1 1 1
3 Assistants 3 $ $ $
$ Stenogra(her 1 3 3 3
4 Drivers 1 3 $ 4
1 Attendant<@atchmen $ 4 1 &

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