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Devil Bone Rosary

Aura: moderate abjuration and evocation; CL: 9th

Slot: none; Price: 40,650 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
This string of pale yellow beads, evenly interspersed with nine devil's finger b
ones, whispers a litany dedicated to the nine lords of Hell in Infernal to anyon
e who holds it.
When a divine spell-caster uses the devil bone rosary during their daily prepara
tion of spells (or meditates over the rosary for one hour in the case of spontan
eous divine spell-casters), the user gains the following effects for twenty-four
+2 enhancement bonus to caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistanc
e of chaotic creatures.
The user gains protection from chaos as a spell-like ability, useable for up to
nine minutes in one minute increments. These minutes do not need to be used cons
ecutively but any minutes remaining at the end of the twenty-four hours are wast
Additionally, if the user is a worshiper of Asmodeus, they may invoke the deity's
name once per day as a swift action, causing the next spell cast by the user bef
ore the start of their next turn to not expend the prepared spell or spell slot.
This ability can affect only spells of 3rd level or lower, and can be used a to
tal of nine times as each finger bone blackens and crumbles away.
The devil bone rosary can bestow these effects to only one person every twenty-f
our hours, and must be carried by the user to confer the above effects.
If the user is chaotic in alignment, they immediately gain two permanent negativ
e levels for twenty-four hours that cannot be overcome in any way (such as by re
Construction Requirements:
Craft Wondrous Item, dispel chaos, imbue with spell ability, protection from cha
os, creator must worship Asmodeus; Cost: 20,325 gp

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