(Item) Dawncatcher's Crown

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Dawncatcher's Crown

Aura moderate evocation; CL 11th

Slot head; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This polished electrum skull cap has a highly reflective sheen, with a small hem
isphere positioned over the wearer's forehead. Once per day as a standard action,
the wearer may speak a command word to absorb the surrounding sunlight, reducing
the illumination level to dim light in the wearer's space (thus providing conceal
ment against creatures without low-light vision or darkvision). This effect only
functions in areas of natural sunlight. A dawncatcher's crown can absorb sunlight
for up to 11 consecutive minutes.
Once this effect ends, the absorbed sunlight is stored within the crown. The sto
red light can be discharged as a standard action to create a field of radiant su
nlight surrounding the wearer, functioning as a warm fire shield spell that eman
ates light as a daylight spell. This effect lasts for 1 round per minute of stor
ed sunlight. Alternatively, the stored light can be fired from the crown's front h
emisphere as a concentrated beam, functioning as an Empowered searing light spel
l. Stored sunlight decays at a rate of 1 minute of stored light per hour.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Empower Spell, daylight, deeper darkness, fire
shield, searing light; Cost 15,000 gp

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