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Advt. No. C-5/MEC/Apptt./Vol.

Har yana Wak f Boar d
Administration of J ustice Department, Govt. of Haryana
50, Sardar Patel Marg, Ambala Cantt. 133001
R e q u i r e s
The following staff in the Mewat Engineering College
(Wakf), village Palla, Tehsil Nuh, Distt. Mewat
(Haryana) is required :-
1. Professor (04 posts) : One e ach in Me chanical Enginee ring, Ele ctrical
and Electronic Enginee ring, Ele ctronic and Communication Enginee ring and
Compute r Science s & Engine e ring in the pay s cale of ` 37,400-67,000
(Minimum pay of ` 48,000)+ AGP ` 10,500 Pay Band-4. Qualification : (i)
Essential : Ph.D with first class at the pre ce ding de gree s or e quivale nt in the
appropriate branch of Enginee ring/Te chnology and a minimum of 10 ye ars
e xpe rie nce of which at le ast 5 ye ars should be at the le ve l of Assistant
Profe ssor/Re ade r. OR (ii) In the e ve nt the candidate is from industry and the
profe ssion, the following shall constitute as e sse ntial: 1. First Class Maste rs
De gre e in the appropriate branch of Engg., & Te ch.; 2. Significant
profe ssional work which can be re cognize d* as e quivalent to a Ph.D. De gre e
in appropriate branch of Engg., & Te ch., and industrial / professional
e xpe rie nce of te n ye ars, out of which at le ast five ye ars at a se nior le ve l of
Assistant Profe ssor / Re ade r. (iii) Desirable: (1) Te aching, re se arch
industrial and / or professional e xpe rie nce in a re pute d organization; (2)
Publishe d work, such as re se arch pape rs, pate nts filed / obtaine d, books, and
/or te chnical re ports; (3) Expe rie nce of guiding the proje ct work /disse rtation
of PG / Re se arch Students or supe rvising R&D proje cts in industry; (4)
De monstrate d le ade rship in planning and organizing academic, re se arch,
industrial and / or profe ssional activitie s ; and (5) Capacity to unde rtake /le ad
sponsore d R&D, consultancy and re late d activitie s.
2. Reader (02 posts) :One e ach in Ele ctrical and Ele ctronics Enginee ring
and Ele ctronics and Communication Enginee ring) in the pay scale of `
15,600-39,100 Pay Band-3 (Minimum pay of Rs 30,000 with Ph.D. or `25,000
without Ph.D )+ AGP ` 8,000/-On comple tion of 3 ye ars se rvice as Re ade r with
Ph.D shall move to Pay Band-4 (` 37400-67000) with AGP of ` 9000/-.
Qualification : (i) Esse ntial : Ph.D. de gre e with the First Class de gre e at
Bache lor's or Maste r's le ve l in the appropriate branch of
Engine e ring/Te chnology 3 Ye ars e xpe rie nce in Te aching/Industry/ Re se arch
at the le ve l of Le cture r or e quivale nt. OR (ii) First Class De gre e at
Maste r's le ve l in the appropriate branch of Enginee ring./Te chnology with 5
ye ars e xpe rie nce in Te aching/Industry at the le ve l of le cture r or
e quivalent. Such candidate will be re quire d to obtain Ph.D. de gree within a
pe riod of 5 ye ars from the date of appointment as Re ade r. Note: (a)
candidate who doe s not posse ss a Ph.D. de gre e and fails to comple te the
s aid de gree within a pe riod of 5 ye ars from the date of appointme nt as
Re ade r, his/he r incre me nt will be stagnated (stoppe d) from that date
onwards till he /she comple te s the de gre e and will be re store d w.e.f. the
date he /she is awarde d the Ph.D. de gree . (b) The candidate s who have
applie d e arlie r for the post of Re ade r ne e d not apply.
3. Lecturer (13 posts) : (a) Civil Engine ering-1, (b)Me chanical Engine ering-
1, (c) Electrical and Ele ctronics Engine e ring-2, (d) Ele ctronics and
Communication Enginee ring-2, (e) Compute r Scie nce s & Engine e ring-2, (f)
Mathe matics with compute r background-1, (g) Economics with manage me nt-
1, (h) Physics-1, (i) Che mistry-1 and (j) English-1 in the pay scale of `
15,600-39,100 +AGP ` 6,000/7000 Pay Band-3. Qualification : For (a) to
(e) above (i) Esse ntial : First Class Maste rs De gree in the appropriate
branch of Enginee ring & Te chnology. (ii) Desirable: (1) Te aching, re se arch
industrial and / or professional e xpe rie nce in a re pute d organization; (2)
Pape rs prese nte d at Confe re nce s and / or in re fe re e d journals. For (f) to (j)
above Good academic re cord with at le ast 55% marks or an
e quivalent CGPA at the Maste r's de gree le ve l in the re le vant subject
from an Indian Unive rsity, or an e quivalent de gree from a fore ign
Unive rsity. Be s ides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidate s should
have cle are d the National e ligibility te st (NET) for l e cturers conducte d by
the UGC, CSIR or s imilar te st accre dite d by the UGC. Ph.D. degree is
highly desirable.
4. Technical Assistant (04 posts) : One e ach in Me chanical Enginee ring,
Ele ctrical and Ele ctronic Enginee ring, Ele ctronics and Communication
Engine e ring and Compute r Scie nce s and Enginee ring on consolidate d s alary
of ` 15,000/- pe r month on pure ly contractual basis. Qualification and
Experience : Diploma in Enginee ring with one ye ars e xpe rie nce in the
re le vant fie ld afte r obtaining Diploma. OR B.Sc. with two ye ar e xpe rie nce in
the re le vant fie ld afte r obtaining de gree .
5. Laboratory Assistants: (05 posts): Me chanical Engine e ring-2, Electrical
and Ele ctronics Engine e ring-1, Ele ctronics and Communication Engine e ring-1,
Compute r Science s & Enginee ring-1 on consolidate d salary of ` 10,000/- pe r
month on pure ly contractual basis. Qualification and Experience :High
School with Trade Ce rtificate from I.T.I with one ye ar e xpe rie nce in the
re le vant fie ld. OR Se condary School Ce rtificate (Class XII) (Scie nce ) with two
ye ars e xpe rie nce in the re le vant fie ld.
6. Library Assistant: (02 posts) : Qualification and Experience :
Bache lor in Library Scie nce s with two ye ar e xpe rie nce in the re le vant fie l d on
consolidate d s alary of ` 15,000/- pe r month on purely contractual basis.
7. Library Attendant: (02 posts) Qualification and Experience :
Ce rtificate in Library scie nce s afte r passing Se condary School Ce rtificate /high
school with working knowle dge of library on consolidate d s alary of ` 8,000/-
pe r month on pure ly contractual basis.
Applications on the prescribe d form are invite d for the above me ntioned
te aching and non te aching positions within 15 days from the date of
publication of advertise ment. The adve rtise ment consisting of the application
form is also available on Me wat Enginee ring Colle ge s we bsite addre ss
http://me The application form may be downloade d and submitte d
along with the application fe e of ` 100 through Bank Draft/IPO drawn in
favour of the Dire ctor, Me wat Engine e ring, Palla, Nuh, Me wat and payable at
NUH. The application form comple te in all re spe ct should re ach addre sse d to
the Chie f Exe cutive Office r, Haryana Wakf Board, 50, Sardar Pate l Marg,
Ambala Cantt. 133001. Numbe r of posts may incre ase or de cre ase at the
time of inte rvie w.

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